A helping hand 🍋(Sadist! Ichimatsu x Innocent! Male! reader) Lemon

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For Angeldiary16
I really like the picture above and I don't know why.
Warning this may not be that good😅

I was at the bathhouse and was currently getting undressed when I hear footsteps. I turn my head and saw the Matsuno brothers. I smile and wave at them "Hey guys. Hi Ichimatsu~" I coo and he looks away with a blush. His brothers smirk at him before going to undress as well. I pull off my underwear and wrap my towel around my waist before heading to the baths. I hum when I saw that the brothers and I were the only ones here tonight.

I go over to the showers and do a brisk washing of my hair. When that was done I shook my head and head over to the bath. I saw the brothers were over by the showers. I smile and wave at Ichimatsu who again blushes. I smile and remove my towel before going into the warm water. In case you were curious, Ichimatsu is my boyfriend. We have been dating for the past year now and I couldn't be happier.

Though with how long he have been together. I wonder why he was blushing. I hum and turn around "Hey Ichimatsu?" I hear him hum before looking over "Why were you blushing?" I ask and his mouth forms a line while his brothers laugh leading to Ichimatsu yelling at them to shut up. I just stare at them confused before shrugging it off and I laugh softly.

The brothers soon join me in the bath with Ichimatsu sitting by me. I watch as Jyushimatsu swam back and forth in the water. It was kind of amusing to watch but I decided to talk with Ichimatsu. We talk about the usual stuff and sometimes my eyes would glance over his body. As we were talking I felt strange I shrug it off and went to cross my legs but I couldn't.

I hum and glance down to see my dick was upright. I was confused and a little worried. Why was my dick like this? I just shrug it off and continue talking with Ichimatsu. Though whenever I tried to get up and leave Ichimatsu would keep me sitting. Eventually his brothers wanted to head home but Ichimatsu said he was going to stay a bit longer before waving them off.

When they left Ichimatsu turns to look at me "why wouldn't you let me leave?" I ask and he points out my dick. "I wasn't going to let you leave when you have a hard on." He says and I blush "oh..I don't know what happened. I just felt strange and then when I looked down I saw..why did this happen?" I ask and he hums "Well..it happens when you are turned on." he says and I hum "turned on? well how do I get rid of it?" I ask and he hums before smirking.

I look at him confused before he scoots closer and reaches his hand under the water. I flinch as his hand wraps around my dick. He smirks and kisses me as he moves his hand. I moan as he strokes my dick. I pull away with a gasp and he hums before kissing my neck. I hum and bite my lip as he licks my neck. I jolt with a gasp as his thumb runs over the tip. I moan as he moves to pump the base while biting lightly on my neck.

I bite my lip and pant softly as pressure builds in my stomach. I grip the edge of the seat and moan with my tongue out. "Oh~ I feel w-weird~ s-somethings ha~ coming" I moan but wince and whine as he grips the base stopping whatever had been coming. I whine and turn to Ichimatsu who had grin on his face. "Sorry but you can't cum yet~" he purrs and I shudder before he removes his hand.

"Come here, kitten~"

I blush and move on to his lap. He pulls me close and my eyes widen when I felt something hard press against my dick. He had me lean forward a bit with my hips lifted a bit. I glance at him and he kisses my neck as his hand moves down towards my ass. I blush and moan as Ichimatsu licks down to my shoulder. I jolt with a gasp as he slips a finger into my asshole.

I grip his shoulders and whine as he pumps his finger in and out. "It's okay y/n~ you're okay~" he purrs into my ear and I moan softly as he pushes another finger inside. I bite my lip and he chuckles before biting my shoulder. I yelp softly as he bit pretty hard but I moan as he licks the mark. I whine softly when he pulls his fingers out. "Don't worry~ we aren't done, kitten~" he purrs before setting me down.

I blush as he wraps his hand around both of our dicks. "You are still hard~ you want some help~" he purrs into my ear and I hum softly "y-yes p-please~" He chuckles and bites my ear making me jolt. He held me over his dick and I bite my lip as his dick nudges my asshole. I grip his shoulders with a moan as he pushes me down. I shudder as he pushes all in and he moans softly.

He pulls back and leans in to kiss me deeply. I moan into his mouth as he lifts my hips up and slams them back down. I wrap my arms around his neck and roll my hips in time with his movements. I flinch slightly as he bit my tongue but I don't pull back. He hums and thrusts hard up into me. I pull away with a moan and he leans in to bite my neck and shoulder.

"Oh~ i-is it n-normal t-to bite that h-hard?" I ask and he hums "for me, yes because I'm admittedly a bit of a sadist." He says before gripping my hips and thrusts faster. I moan and bite my lip before my eyes zone in on his neck. I gulp and lean forward to gnaw at his neck. He hums and bites hard on my shoulder. I let out a moan before biting a little and he pulls away with a moan "Oh~ There you go~ don't worry about being gentle~"

I moan and jolt as he hits something inside me. He smiles and pulls me back "that feel good?~" I nod with a moan as he keeps hitting the spot. He leans forward and bit my lip slightly before moving to attack my shoulder. I moan as I start bouncing on him. I hear him groan softly before holding hips and thrusting hard into me.

"Oh y-yes~ Ichimatsu~" I moan as he moves so roughly inside me. I threw my head back as he hit that spot again. "Oh~ T-There~" I moan and he pulls me into a deep kiss. I moan as I feel him hit that spot. I move my hands up to clutch onto his back as he thrusts faster. "Ha~ Ha~ y-you feel a-amazing~" I moan into his ear.

"Same to you~ You are so tight y/n~" he purrs and thrusts deep into me. I moan out and threw my head back. "Oh!~ I t-think I'm g-gonna c-cum!~" he hums and grips my hips before thrusting harder. I moan and whine out until that pressure released. I drag my nails down his back and moan out "oh~ I'm cumming~" I hear Ichimatsu moan before he held my hips in place as he came as well. I shudder at the feeling of being filled. He lifts me up and pulls out.

I shudder and hug him close. "Here. Grab your towel. We need to get back home." He says before kissing my cheek and I nod. We both go back to the changing room. When I got changed I walk over to Ichimatsu. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him close. "I..I really liked that..even when you bit me...you were..amazing." I say shyly and he chuckles before turning to kiss me.

"Seems you are a bit of a masochist y/n." He says with a smirk and I blush "w-what's a masochist?" I ask and he smiles before moving my shirt off my shoulder. He leans in and bites down on my shoulder. I moan softly and felt my legs shake. He pulls away and licks the mark. "A masochist is someone who enjoys pain. You seem to be a little bit of a masochist." He says and I blush before he kisses my cheek.

"Lucky for you I am a sadist, someone who likes providing the pain." I blush and smile "So I guess we are perfect for each other Huh?" I ask and he nods before I take his hand in mine. We go to my place and he drops me off.

I was a little saddened until he promised that we would be doing that again very soon.

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