Watch and Learn 🍋(Ichimatsu x reader) Lemon

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Sorry if this gets confusing.

I gave my husband a smile before leading him to the bedroom. I push open the door and slid my jacket off as he does the same. I sat on the bed and beckon him over. "Come here sweetie~" I purr and he walks over. He got on the bed with me and kisses me hungrily. I pull away and pull his shirt off tossing it to the floor. I move to kiss his neck as he undoes my blouse before sliding it off.

I pull off with a moan as he licks my neck and giggle as he removes my bra before laying me back. He moves to hover over me and I smile before cupping my breasts. "Come on sweetie~ Momma needs some love~" I purr and he licks his lips "Well I am happy to provide that to momma~" he purrs before kissing down my body. When he reaches the hem of my pants he swiftly removes both my pants and underwear.

He pulls my legs onto his shoulders and lowers his head to lick my pussy. I moan softly and bite my lip as I lay a hand on his head. "ha~ oh~ Ichimatsu~" I moan and he hums before pushing his tongue into my pussy. "Oh yes~ move your tongue~" I moan as my own tongue lolls out. He groans softly and pulls me closer by my hips. "Oh~ Oh Ichimatsu~ shit~ I'm gonna cum~"

He chuckles and pulls away to sit up. I smirk as he pushes two fingers into my wet pussy. I moan and grip the sheets above my head. "You said you were gonna cum~ So just cum~" he purrs as he pumps his fingers and presses on my clit. I moan and arch my back as I came. "Oh~ Ichimatsu~" I moan and whine as he pulls his fingers out.

"Want something bigger?~" he purrs and I nod "Oh yes~" I purr before he pulls his pants off. I pause and sat up "What's wro-" "Sh~ I heard something." I say and he hums before I pull my shirt on. I got up and turn to my closet. I narrow my eyes and walk over to the doors. I slowly open the doors and my mouth drops in shock. There in the closet were the 18 year old versions of me and my husband. They looked beyond embarrassed.

"H-Hi." Young me says nervously and I hum "hello." I say before pulling both kids out of the closet. Ichimatsu went wide eyed in shock. "What the heck?" He says and I hum before sitting on the bed while they stood in front of us. "Well..can you explain how and why you two are here?" I ask and they blush

"we..we asked Dekapan if he could send us to the future because I was curious how our relationship would progress." y/n says glancing away and Ichimatsu lays a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "We didn't mean to snoop but we were sent here and decided to look around. Then we heard the front door and hid..then we um..well we saw you.." Ichimatsu trails off with a heavy blush.
(Italicized = 18 year old)

I hum and let my eyes wonder to see Ichimatsu pulling his shirt down over his crotch. I smirk before glancing at Ichimatsu who had the same smirk. I stood up with Ichimatsu "So you guys were curious about your relationship?" I ask and they nod. I smile and hum as I hug Ichimatsu's arm

"Do you want to see a live demonstration~"

Both their faces explode with blush. "I think it would be I good learning experience~" I pause to walk behind Ichimatsu and press my hand on his hard on. "You may learn something useful~" I purr and they look at one another before nodding. So we all sat down and the hardwood floor. I smile and remove my shirt.

"notice anything different y/n?" I ask and she glances at her own body before cupping her own breasts and pinching her side. "Well...I can that my chest gets bigger...and I got thinner." She says and Ichimatsu pouts "aww I like your chubby body." He says and y/n blushes. Ichimatsu smiles and squeezes my belly "Oh don't worry~ she is still chubby in this region~" he coos before kissing my neck and laying me on the floor.

I moan softly and bite my lip as Ichimatsu pushes his underwear down just enough to release his dick. I turn my head to see y/n was blushing hard. "Something wrong?" I ask and bite my lip as Ichimatsu nudges against my pussy. "..He..did bigger?" She asks and I giggle softly "oh yes, he did~" I say with a purr and she blushes before covering her crotch.

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