A Pet 🍋(Priest! Ichimatsu+Karamatsu x Goddess! reader) Lemon/Angsty

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For CryptOfDrawings
This story will be based of the manga above so read with caution. Those of you who don't know this manga and haven't read it here is a warning.

This lemon will contain rape. Please if that makes you uncomfortable do not read this. This lemon will also contain mindbreak.

I was bouncing happily as I wait for Choromatsu. When I saw him I smile and rush over to hug him. "You seem excited." He says and I nod "I can't wait to visit down there again. I just wanted to wait so I could say goodbye to you." I say and he smiles "Remember. You have to return to the fountain before the sun rises or else you can't come back till the next night." He says and I nod

"I know Choromatsu. This isn't my first time traveling down there." I say and he smiles with a nod "Good luck" He says and adjusts the wreath on my head. I smile and back up before taking a breath. I smile as I felt my wreaths glow before I went me down the surface.

I smile as I come up from the water of the fountain. It sucked that I would always end up wet but I didn't care. I smile and twirl around "oh wow, looks like nothing has changed huh?" I ask myself as I look around before I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me back. I let a hum as I collide with someone's chest. "Huh? What the-" "I heard a legend of a goddess coming to visit the surface and I can't believe it was true."

I look up to see a familiar face. He was one of the priests at the local church. I believe his name was Ichimatsu but his face. His face was one of ill intent. He held my face up to his and I stare at him wearily. "And look at you. So beautiful and such a wonderful body. You look absolutely perfect~" he purrs before pulling me into a kiss.

I let out muffled screams and my eyes widen as he forces his tongue into my mouth. I grip and claw his shirt before pushing him off. I cover my mouth and look at him disgusted. "You disgusting mortal. Forcing yourself onto a goddess. What would you gain from that?" I ask as I wipe my mouth and he gave a sickeningly grin. "Knowing that I got to fuck a goddess like you. That would be amazing~" he purrs before lunging at me and pushing me against the ground.

"What an amazing body~ I guess I shouldn't expect any less from a goddess~" he purrs and kisses me roughly as his hands pin me down. I yelp and he pushes his tongue into my mouth again. I felt sick as his tongue ran against mine. My eyes widen and I unintentionally moan as he starts grinding against me and I felt that he was hard. I gave another muffled scream as his hand moves to roam down under my dress.

Before he could even get past my thigh I clench my hand into a fist and punch him before pushing him off. I stood up and, in my panic, I run off without thinking. I run until I saw the church and hurry in. Maybe I could find someone to hide me. Once in I made my way to the chapel in hopes to find someone. When there I saw another familiar priest who I knew as Karamatsu. I rush up to him calling out "Karamatsu!"

He turns around and I saw his eyes widen with an agape mouth. I walk up to him "Look don't freak out. I really really need your help and-" "You are really fast." I froze and turn around to see Ichimatsu with narrowed eyes. He lays a hand on the forming bruise on his cheek "and quite strong. I'll have to fix that." He says and I back up before he looks behind me at Karamatsu. Ichimatsu gave a head nod and I let out a squeak as I pulled back with Karamatsu's arms locked around my waist.

"Wow you actually found her" Karamatsu says and I look back at him to see a sickening smile. "I didn't think the legend was true but here you are~" he purrs and Ichimatsu chuckles "yes, she is quite beautiful isn't she~" he purrs before walking over and nods his head again. Karamatsu smiles and pushes me on the floor, pinning my arms beside my head.

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