Body Appreciation (Osomatsu x Bulimic! reader)

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For trinbodo

I was currently over at my boyfriend's place. We were just watching a movie when Osomatsu got up and went to the kitchen. I shrug it off and continue watching. I cringe as my stomach growls and quietly shush myself. Osomatsu came back in with a smile "I heard that from the kitchen. Good thing I grabbed this." He says as he lifts an unopened bag of chips.

My stomach growls again and I wrap my arms around my waist. He opens the bag and I almost drool before turning back to the TV. I saw Osomatsu take a handful before holding the bag out to me. I glance at him and he smiles "Come on. I got your favorite." He says and I smile softly before reaching my hand into the bag. I gulp before placing a handful of chips into my mouth.

We continue watching TV and eating the chips. With each handful I felt disgusted. I hum and turn to Osomatsu "I'm going to use the bathroom." I say and he smiles "Okay." He says and I smile before walking out the room where I rush to the bathroom. I rush in and close the door. I look in the mirror and sigh

Why did you eat that? I drop my head

You'll end up getting fatter if you eat that stuff. I tear up and held my head in my hands.

Now Throw it up. Now! I lift my head and wipe my tears before I go to lean over the toilet. I took my fingers and shove them into my mouth, down my throat. I gag and pull my hand away as I threw up into the toilet. I gasp and pant softly before doing it again. After another two times of doing this I wipe my eyes and my mouth before going back out to Osomatsu.

After a hour I realized I had to get home because of work tomorrow. "Well I should get going." I say and Osomatsu hums "Aww okay." He says and kisses my cheek. "See you later." He says and I stood up. I took a step and held my head as I felt dizzy. I wobble a bit before I fainted.

When I came to I was laying on the couch upstairs. I went to get up only to be laid back down. "Don't get up. You're still weak." I turn my head to see Osomatsu with a sadden face. I hum as had a plate of omurice "What's that for?" I ask and he hums before holding out his fork with some omurice on it. "Eat it." He says and I turn away but he turns my head back. "Y/n please."

"I'm not hungry." I say and he huffs "Just eat it." He says and I shook my head. This went back and forth before I ask "Why are you insisting that I eat? I'm not-" "because I don't want you to starve to death y/n!" He yells and I jump slightly. "For the past month you have lost so much weight and I didn't know why. Then I heard you in the bathroom and..I couldn't believe it..I don't want to believe it."

I saw he was shaking before he places the food to the side and held my hand in both of his. He drops his head and lays his forehead on his clasped hands. "I love you y/n. I love everything about you including your body. I love you so much that I am would die for you." I stare at him as tears came to my eyes "I don't ever want to lose you...I was so scared that I had lost you when you passed please..please..just eat something." He says before looking up at me and my breath hitches when I saw he was crying.

I carefully move to sit up and lean over to kiss his forehead. I lay my forehead on his and smile softly. "Okay...for you I'll eat something." I say before pulling away and he smiles before handing me the omurice. I gulp and take a bit before humming. I smile as tears leave my eyes "I-It's really good." I say softly and he smiles. As I continue eating he gets up and sits beside me.

He wraps an arm around me and kisses my cheek. "Thank you y/n. I'm proud of you." He says and I hum before turning to him. He smiles and I smile softly before kissing him. I pull away and lay my head on his shoulder while he rests his head on mine.

I am happy to have Osomatsu in my life.

Maybe he can teach me to love and appreciate my body.

Because despite how bad I may think it looks, Osomatsu clearly loves my body the way it was to be.

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