Cute. Really? (Choromatsu x Male! reader)

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For misstrishx

I was at my house anxiously waiting for me friend, Choromatsu. I had met him at a Nyaa Chan concert and we became friends not long after that. Though I had something important to tell him today. So that's why I was anxious. When I heard a knock I rush to answer the door. I open the door and smile when I saw Choromatsu. "Hey Choromatsu." I say and he smiles

"Hey y/n. I'm sorry if I'm a little late. I passed by a store and saw this." He says and held up a new Nyaa Chan album. I smile and laugh softly "Of course you would manage to find that." I say and he chuckles with a faint blush "yeah. So you want to listen to it?" He asks and I smile softly "Sure. Let's go to my room." I say and he nods. We both head to my room.

As we were listening to her music we talk about what happened that day. Then we start talking about Nyaa Chan and how great she was doing as an idol. Then I remember what I wanted to tell him and slowly started to go silent. He notices and turns to me "You okay y/n?" He asks and I hum "yeah..I was just thinking." I say and he hums "What?" He asks and I glance away

"Hey. What's wrong?" He asks with a more concerned tone and I blush softly. I sigh and twiddle my thumbs nervously as I mumble. He hums and I whine softly saying it again but it comes out as a whisper. "Y/n, just tell me. What's wrong?" He asks and I took a deep breath with a blush

"I like you okay. I like you more than just a friend."

He looks at me surprised and I blush harder. "I started crushing on you about 2 weeks into our friendship. I felt too embarrassed to say anything and I was worried if you would even feel the same way." I say shyly and I shook my head before hiding my face. "You know what forget I said anything. I don't know why I even-" "hey hey it's okay." He says and pulls my hands away.

"I do like you so no need to be embarrassed." He says and I stare at him surprised "really?" I ask and he nods "Wait. Why?" I ask and he chuckles "because you are nice and I think you are cute." He says and I blush softly "okay I have never been called cute before." I say and he chuckles "do you not like it?" He asks and I shook my head "no it's fine." I say and he smiles.

When time came for him to left he must have noticed I was hesitating. "What's wrong this time?" He asks playfully and I blush before opening my arms. He hums before chuckling and hugs me. I smile and hug him back. I wouldn't hug him before because I thought that would be seen as weird. He pulls back and kisses my cheek making me blush hard. "I'll see you later y/n." He says and I nod before he kisses my forehead.

When I close the door I slide down it with blissful sigh and a dopey grin. I did it, I confessed and had my feelings returned.

I was the happiest man on earth right now.

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