My Fanboys (Fanboy! Matsu Bros x Idol! reader)

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For FWPlacencia

I was on stage dancing and singing to one of my hit songs. I loved the thrill of being on stage and I loved the cheers of my fans. Though there were 6 boys in particular that I loved to see. Like always they were in the front. I smile when I saw them and gave them a wink which made them all blush before they cheered even more for me which made me laugh internally.

When the concert came to an end I wave to my fans before deciding to be playful. I took off my jacket and with a smile I toss it to the crowd before walking off stage. When I went into my dressing room before I could even change into causal clothes there was a knock at my door. "Yeah." I say and my bodyguard answers "The boys want to see you." He says and I smile.

"Of course they do." I say softly and laughing softly "Go ahead and let them in." I say and he hums before opening the door. I smile and wave at the boys. "Hello again. Did you guys enjoy the concert?" I ask and they all nod. Then I notice that Karamatsu had my jacket. "I see that you have my jacket." I say with a smile and he blushes "Uh yeah, here." He says before handing it over and I shook my head.

"Keep it. I have another one just like it besides I was planning on giving it away anyways." I say and he hums with a smile "okay." He says softly and I walk over "Soo did you like the song?" I ask and they smile "of course we did." Choromatsu says "your songs are always so good." Osomatsu adds and I smile. "Well thank you. What about my outfit. I thought I'd try something different." I say

"So cute. It looks good." Todomatsu says and Jyushimatsu nods with a hum "So cute! So cute!" He says and I blush "oh stop, you'll make me blush." I say and they laugh "well you make us blush so it's only fair." Ichimatsu says and I hum "That's true. So would you guys like to get something to eat? After I change." They nod and I cross my arms.

"That means leave so I can change." I say and they whine "oh don't be like that. Now get, get. Before I change my mind." I say and they nod before leaving. I quickly change into a simple t-shirt and jean shorts before leaving the room. "Okay, I'm ready to go." I say and look at my bodyguard. "Do you mind driving us to the café?" I ask and he messes up my hair. "Of course not, it's a part of my job." He says and I smile.

"Okay then. Let's go eat!" I say happily and the brothers all smile before following me out to the car. "Oh! And this goes without saying; I'll pay for everything." I say and they smile before hugging me. I laugh softly and hug them back.

What can I say I have grown attach to these boys.

They aren't just my fans, they are my friends.

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