Good Kitten 🍋(Tiger Hybrid! Karamatsu x Dom! reader) Lemon

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For TomatoKlutz
Happy Birthday! 🎉

I woke up with a yawn and smile when I saw Karamatsu curled up to my side. I reach my hand up to pet him and he purrs softly before waking up. Karamatsu opens his eyes and leans into my touch. "Morning baby. How are you feeling?" I ask and he smiles before nuzzling my face. "I feel good." He says and I sit up "Well I should get ready for work." I say and he hums.

I got up to take a quick shower and get dressed. I walk to the front door with Karamatsu following behind. I turn around and pet his head, tweaking his ears a little. "I'll see you later but call me if you need something. Okay?" I ask and he nods before leaning forward to lightly lick my cheek. I giggle and kiss his forehead before leaving with a wave.

I was halfway through my shift when my phone rang. I saw it was Karamatsu calling so I answered. When I answer though I heard panting and whimpers. Before I could even say anything "y/n..h-help me." Karamatsu whines and I was immediately concerned "okay. I'll be there as soon as I can." I say without questioning what was wrong. "Please h-hurry." I hung up and quickly talk with my boss.

Once I got the go ahead to leave I rush back to our home. When I open the door I call out for my boyfriend. "I-In here!" I hear him whimper from the living room. I rush in to see him curled up on the floor. I saw his ears lowered as he trembles. I rush over and lay a hand on his shoulder. "Karamatsu, What happened?" I ask as I lift his head and gasp when I saw how heated his face had become.

His eyes were lidded, his face was tinted red with blush, and his tongue was lolled out as he drools. "My came early" he whines and I hum before going to stand up. I was going to try and find his suppressants but when I stood up he hugs my waist tightly. I look down and he looks up with a whimper "please..h-help me.." he whines out and I blush before standing him up.

I help him to the bedroom and lay him down. He immediately curls up again with his tail wrapped around his waist. While looking him up and down my eyes land on his crotch. I blush and feel myself get wet when I saw how hard he was. Being in heat I guess that makes sense but the bulge was really big. I smile and walk over to pet his head.

"Okay. I'll help you but we'll be doing it my way, okay?" I ask and he nods "I don't care..Just help me." I smile and kiss him softly. He moans softly and I move to be on top laying him on his back. I blush and hum as I felt his dick press against me. I decided to grind against him and he moans as he wraps his arms around my neck. I smile before slipping my tongue into his mouth as I continue grinding against him.

He moans into my mouth and grinds up against me. I hum and push his hips down. He whines before I pull away with a smirk. "Wait for a second." I say and walk over to the closet and pull out a small box. I walk back over and pull off Karamatsu's top. I smile and lean down to kiss him before opening the box. I smile as I pull out a pair of fluffy handcuffs. There was something else in the box but I'll use that later.

I look at Karamatsu who had his arms up for me which makes me smile. I lean over and cuff him to the headboard. I sat down on his stomach and caress his cheek making him purr and lean into my touch. I pull my hand back and kiss him softly before kissing down his body to the hem of his pants. He gave out whines and shook slightly when I did that. I smile and pull his bottoms off.

I bite my lip when I saw how hard he was and drop the clothes to the floor. I lower my head and smile when I saw precum leaking out. I hum and reach my hand out to grip his dick. He moans and looks down at me. I ran my thumb along the tip and slowly stroke his dick. He was moaning and trembling within minutes. I took him into my mouth and he moans out with a lolled out tongue. I hum and push my head down further. I took him to the hilt and he threw his head back with a moan of pure bliss as his legs shake.

I felt my pussy become wetter before I bob my faster and lower one hand to his balls. I hesitate a bit before cupping them. His breath hitches and he bucks his hips. I gag slightly but moan softly. I smile and pump them gently as I move up to suck the tip and Karamatsu whines and moans. "Oh~ y/n~ I'm g-gonna cum!~"

I hum and pull my mouth off but kept stroking as I move a hand into the box. His moans went up an octave and just as he was about to cum, I grip the base of his dick. He whines out with lowered ears while I sat up "w-why did you-mph!" I cut him off with a kiss as I slip a cock ring onto his dick. He pulls back with a wince and glances down. "..oh." He says softly with a blush and I smile before kissing him deeply.

He moans into my mouth and I feel his dick throb against my ass. I smile and grind against him while he moans and whines. I saw him pull at the restraints before he pulls back with a whimper. I hum when I saw tears in his eyes "Please y/n~ I need" he cut off with a whine and I smile before stripping down and hover over his pulsing dick. "What is it you need kitten~" I purr as I line his dick up with my wet pussy.

"I need you~ please let me inside you~ I want to feel you on my dick~ Please~" he whines and I smile "good kitty~" I purr before pushing myself down into him. He gasps and moans as took him all inside me. I saw him bite his lip and tremble as a couple tears left his eyes with a sigh of blissful relief. I lay my hands on his chest and buck my hips making him jolt with a moan.

"You okay baby?" I ask and he pants softly "oh~ please move your hips~" I nod and roll my hips before bouncing on him. He tilts his head back with a whiny moan as his hands tug against the cuffs. I bite my lip as I bounce faster and moan as he started bucking his hips. I giggle softly as his tail brushes against my leg as it swayed. I start to move even faster and his breath hitches.

"Oh fuck~" I hear him moan under his breath and I hum "I'm so close~" he moans and I hum as I buck my hips. "Oh~ Are you really?" I say with a smirk and he whines as he couldn't release. "Y/n~" he whines with drooped ears "please~ l-let me cum~ Oh~ I n-need to c-cum~" he whimpers and I hum before reaching to undo the handcuffs. I pull them off and drop them to the floor.

"There. Now you can touch me." I say before moving his hands to my hips "if you want to cum, you need to earn it first~" I purr and he sat up to kiss me deeply before gripping my hips as he thrusts fast and rough. "I'll make you feel good~ I love you y/n~" He purrs softly and holds me close as he thrusts deep into me. "Oh~ I love you too baby~" I moan and rest my hands on his chest. I moan out with a jolt of pleasure in my body.

"Oh!~ Ah!~hit t-there again!~" I moan out and he angles himself to hit that spot repeatedly. Then I felt pressure build up and I hear Karamatsu whine as grips my hips harder. I reach one hand to hold his face. "You okay?" I ask and he leaned his forehead on mine "Yeah~ I just r-really n-need to cum~" He moans as he thrusts faster and continues to hit my g-spot hard.

"F-Fuck~ I'm s-so close~" He mutters with a whimper and grips my hips. He thrusts deep into me and I moan out as I came. I grip Karamatsu's shoulders as I arch my back and my body shook. Karamatsu trembles with a whine as he weakly bucks his hips. I hum with a smile and pull off of Karamatsu. He whines and I gasp when I saw how pent up he became. He was throbbing intensely.

I hum and pull the ring off before gently poking the tip. He flinches with a moan and I saw some precum leak out. "You really are close." I say as I circle the tip with my finger and he whines as he bucks his hips. I smile and I move to lay down beside him. "You need to cum right?" I ask as I beckon him over. He hums and moves to settle in between my legs. I push my folds apart and bite my lip.

"Go ahead and cum in here~" I purr and he blushes. I saw his dick twitch before he quickly thrusts into my wet pussy and I yelp softly "S-Sorry y/n, but I'm soo c-close~" he moans before thrusting roughly in and out of me. I was moaning at the overstimulation as he hits my g-spot hard. It really didn't take long before Karamatsu bit his lip and moans softly "I'm g-gonna cum~ fuuck~" he grips my hips and pounds me while cursing under his breath.

"Ah~ oh shit~ Y/n~ I'm cumming~"

I whine as he slams into me before his cum fills me up. He was panting as continues thrusting as he came down from his high and I bite my lip as the last of his cum shoots into me. He finally collapses onto me with a series of pants as he tries to calm down. I hum and kiss him softly as he pulls out.

I hug him and he nuzzles his face into my neck. I giggle as his ears brush against my cheek. I smile and kiss his forehead "you feel better Karamatsu?" I ask and he nods "Thank you~" he purrs and wraps his tail around my waist. He hugs me close and snuggles up to me. "I love you y/n~" he purrs and I pet his head.

"I love you too Kitten."

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