Camping Trip 🍋(Naga! Choromatsu+Todomatsu x reader) Lemon

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For Mimiwolf_xiao

I was out in the woods with my friends. They had wanted to go camping and I decided why not. Though when we got here I recognized the area and immediately warn them that there were Nagas in the area. They laugh thinking I was joking but I wasn't. I know there are Nagas in these woods. How do I know? Well I'm in a relationship with two of them.

My friends didn't know this so when they asked jokingly how do you know about the Nagas, I just laugh it off saying that I study them. That wasn't a total lie. Well the day was filled with my friends laughing and talking. We played a few games but we mostly just talk about our lives until night rolled around.

While my friends went to sleep, I stay up and stare at the fire. As I watch the fire I hear slithering with a hiss. Now I had an idea who it was but I was in the woods where there were snakes so I cautiously stood up. I look around and smile when I saw Todomatsu peeking out from behind a tree.

He waves me over and I glance at the fire before pouring water over it. I walk over and he gestures for me to follow him. I hum but before I could ask he slithers away so I quickly follow. I sped up to walk beside him "I didn't know you would be in the woods today." He says and I smile "yeah my friends wanted to go camping." I say and he hums "here we are." He says stopping and I look to see a beautiful and familiar hot springs where Choromatsu was chilling on a rock, half submerged in the water.

"Choromatsu! You were right. Y/n was here." He says and Choromatsu hums before leaving the water. "I knew it. I could sense her." He says before smiling "hello again y/n." He says before kissing me and I giggle "Hello. It's nice seeing you guys again." I say and they smile "would you like to join us in the water? It's really nice." Todomatsu asks and I hum in thought before nodding "Sure. It's been a while." I say and they smile before moving into the water before turning to me.

I blush and shyly tug at my shirt "Aren't you going to look away?" I ask and they shook their heads with a "nope." I blush before sighing with a smile. "Oh okay" I say before stripping down to my underwear. I saw light blush on their faces before I walk over and hop in. I hum softly from the warmth "ohh this feels nice~" I say blissfully and hum as Choromatsu and Todomatsu move to hug me.

I saw them look at each other before Todomatsu smirks and Choromatsu blushes hard. I quirk an eyebrow but shrug it off and close my eyes as I enjoy the warm water. Then I felt my head turn so I open my eyes to see Choromatsu. He smiles softly before kissing me. I smile and kiss back before going to pull away but he deepens the kiss. I hum softly and kiss back as I wrap my arms around his neck.

I squeak softly as I feel Todomatsu push my hair back to lick the nape of my neck. I moan softly and hum as Choromatsu slips his tongue into my mouth. It felt so weird but it felt soo good. I moan as his tongue literally wraps around mine. I grip onto his shoulders with a moan as Todomatsu kisses my neck, grazing the skin with his fangs. I pull away with a gasp and pant softly "oops sorry, you okay y/n?" Choromatsu asks and I nod with a heavy blush.

I kiss him softly and moan as Todomatsu squeezes my breasts. I pull away with a giggle "you know you could've just asked if you wanted to do it." I say and they smile "Where's the fun in that?" Todomatsu says with a sly smirk before nipping at my shoulder. I hum softly as Choromatsu rubs my hips while Todomatsu removes the bra. I moan softly as Todomatsu massages my breasts.

I smile and pull Choromatsu down to kiss him deeply. He hums and holds my hips. I smile and roll my hips. He moans softly and I hum as I felt something strange. I pull away and went to look down but Choromatsu held my head up. "Don't look" He says and I hum "Why not?" I ask and he sighs "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or me on this."

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