Treat her right (Atsushi x reader+Matsu Bros)

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This is a continuation of He is a nice guy.

I'm happy to say that I have been dating Atsushi for 6 months and I have mentioned to keep quiet about it. I really didn't want to deal with my brothers freaking out over nothing. Let me just say dating him is the best. He is really nice and is a total sweetheart. He pays for me and buys me things but I tell him to be careful because I don't want my brothers getting suspicious.

Also he is a total softie for animals and anything of the cute variety. Which includes me, his own words when I asked what he found cute. Well today was a day when all my brothers were out so I decided to have him come over to just relax. When he did come over the only change in his appearance clothes wise was that his overcoat was off.

I gave him a look "do you ever change your clothing style?" I ask and he smiles before I let him in "Whatever do you mean?" He asks and I smile before walking over to the TV. "You always wear dressy clothes. Don't you have any clothes to just relax in?" I ask as I bend over to turn the TV on and he chuckles "for your information I find these clothes comfortable." He says and I roll my eyes with a playful scoff.

I stood up and felt arms wrap around my waist. "You judging me?" He asks and I glance at him to see him smirking. "No" I say with a smirk and he playfully flicks my forehead. We sat down and I scroll through the channels before settling on one of my favorite shows, Too Cute. It's essentially about baby animals. This day's episode was about pugs.

I smile as I heard Atsushi give an aw when the puppies were stumbling around. As I was watching I was thinking. Atsushi and I have been together for 6 months and we still hadn't kissed. Thing is he didn't seem to mind. He never asked and never put me in a situation where I felt like I had to. Though right now...I kind of wanted to kiss him. I blush softly and turn around on his lap.

He hums and looks at me "Yes?" I smile and gulp nervously "Atsushi...Can I...May I..Kiss you?" I ask and he smiles "of course, but only if you want to." He says and I nod "I want to." I say and he smiles as he rests his hands on my waist. "Then go ahead." He says pulling me close and I blush softly before leaning in. I kiss him shyly and he hums before kissing back.

I hum as deepen the kiss and he holds me closer. I lay my hands on his shoulders and hum before pulling away. "What's wrong?" He asks and I run my hands up and down his shoulders before going to his arms. He hums and held my wrists "having fun there?" He asks and I blush "Sorry I just wasn't expecting to feel..muscles." I say shyly and he smiles before kissing me softly.

He moves his hands back to my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. We pull away with a gasp for air before I kiss him again. He hums and I squeak softly as he licks my bottom lip. I shyly open my mouth and moan softly as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. I push back on his tongue and flinch lightly as he slides his hands under my shirt.

The only thing that stopped us from going further was the living room door opening abruptly. I jump away from him nervously as I saw my brothers and while he just stays calm. "Um..I didn't hear you guys come in." I say and they stare at me before turning to Atsushi. "Who is he?!" They all shout, besides Todomatsu who stares blankly at Atsushi. "What are you doing here Atsushi?" He asks and I blush as I stare at Atsushi.

"Hm, well I'm just spending time with y/n." He says and they all stare him down "Why are you here?" Osomatsu asks tensely and Atsushi hums "Oh come on. You can't be that dense. She's my girlfriend. That's why." He says in a nonchalant tone and my brothers glare at him. Then they turn to me and I flinch "y/n. Upstairs." Osomatsu says and I stand up immediately.

"Okay." I say softly and walk upstairs with Osomatsu, Karamatsu, and Choromatsu following as the other three stay with Atsushi. When we got upstairs they just stare at me with arms crossed. "Y/n. We aren't mad. Just explain." Karamatsu says and I sigh "okay...we started dating 6 months ago and I didn't want to tell you because you guys would worry too much. He's a nice guy and to be honest I love him." I say and they hum

"We wish you would have just told us." Choromatsu says and the others nod "yeah and so what if we gave him a hard time. We would have given him a chance." Osomatsu says and I laugh softly "So you guys aren't mad?" I ask and they hug me "of course we aren't." Karamatsu says and I smile softly. We head back downstairs to see the other three talking with Atsushi.

I smile and walk up to hug Atsushi. "You can date her but you better treat her right." Osomatsu says and Atsushi nods "of course." He says and I look up at him with a blush "um Atsushi?" He hums and I hug him close "I love you" I whisper in his ear and he hugs me closer "I love you too." He says softly and I smile.

So we continued to date and my brothers never had to worry about it because Atsushi was a good man.

He knew how to treat me and he treated me right.

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