Shy Facade (Yandere! Karamatsu x reader)

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For 777AnimeGirl777

I was on my computer looking through the news with a frown. Another person I was close to had been murdered and the police have yet to find the killer. I let out a sigh and heard a knock on the door. I turn off my computer and walk to the door. I open it my see my boyfriend, Karamatsu. I smile and hug him "Hey what you doing here?" I ask and he smiles shyly "I just wanted to see you..I-Is that okay?"

I smile and coo at his shyness making him blush. "Of course it's okay. Come on in." I say and he walks in. "You seem upset y/n." He says and I hum "oh yeah but it's nothing." I say before heading into the kitchen to make a snack. He follows me and when I turn around he's right behind me. "Wow Kara, any reason you're following like a lost puppy?" I ask with a laugh and he shies back.

"N-No..S-Sorry." I smile and kiss his cheek "it's okay." I say before just grabbing a bag of chips and walking with him to the couch. I just flip on some cartoons. What? I love watching cartoons. Karamatsu sat by me and hugs me while laying his head on my shoulder. I smile and pet his head as well as scratch it lightly.

Eventually it got late and Karamatsu has to head home. I gave him one last hug and kiss. He went to leave but stops "y/n." He says turning around and I hum "yes?" I ask and he tilts his head "You sure nothing is wrong?" He asks and I nod "I mean I'm a little upset but it's nothing really." I say and he hums "it's probably from you looking at today's news huh?" He asks and I nod before he kisses my cheek and walks away.

I close the door and walk back to my room before pausing. "How did he know that I looked at the news today?" I ask before shrugging it off "probably just took a guess." I say before walking to my room to get ready for bed. I hum as I walk into my room. Lately I have been feeling like I was being watched. It gave me the chills but I would just shrug it off as my paranoia acting up.

The next day I had a coworker over to discuss our latest project. We were in the living room with our plans set out on the coffee table. As we talked I got that chill. I hum and glance around "something wrong?" Kent asks and I shook my head "it's nothing so as I was saying I-" I pause when my phone rang and it startled me. I glance at the contact to see it was Karamatsu.

I bite my lip and press decline. This was an important discussion besides he would understand. I turn back to Kent but before I could get a word out my phone rang again. It was Karamatsu again. Now I was worried that something was wrong. I turn to Kent and he waves it off. "Answer it. It's fine." He says and I pick up my phone before heading to the kitchen.

"Hello Karamatsu." I say as I answer but was met with silence other then breathing. "Hello?" I say and he hums "Why did you decline my call?" He asks and he sounded angry, his shyness seemed gone. I felt a little bad and went to explain myself but he cut me off. "Who is he?" He asks and I was confused "What?" I ask and he clicks his tongue "The guy in your house. Who is he?" He asks and I pause "how do you know he's here?" I ask nervously and he hums

"I saw enter the house." He says and I hum "But I didn't see you any-" "I saw him on the camera footage." He cuts me off and I froze. "Camera footage?" I ask and he hums "yep. That's right. I want to keep an eye on you sweetie." He says with a sweet voice and I glance around. "But when I saw him I had to head over." He says and I gulp nervously "Where are you?"

"Heh..Turn around sweetheart."

I froze and felt my blood run cold as I suddenly felt that chill. I glance back before turning around and dropping my phone with a gasp as I saw Karamatsu on the other side of my kitchen window. He put his phone away and looks at me with crazed eyes as he waves with a smile. I back up and run to the front door which I lock.

"Y/n? What's wrong? you look panicked" I turn to Kent "We need to get to my room. Now!" I yell before grabbing his wrist and running to my room where I had a landline. I rush into my room and lock the door. My paranoia kicks in as I lock the windows and close the curtains. I went to my landline and pick up the phone only to have my heart drop. "Y/n?" Kent says placing a hand on my shoulder and I turn to him.

"H-He cut the phone line."

I slam the phone back into place and turn to Kent. "You have a phone! Can I use it?!" I ask and he nods before handing me the phone. I quickly call the police when I hear glass shatter from the back. He must have broke the glass on the back door. When an officer picked up I was relieved. Before they could even say anything "Please. You have to help us." I say and the officer hums "okay ma'am what is the state of your emergency?"

"Someone broke into my house. I'm hiding in the bedroom doors and windows locked. please hurry." I say in a hushed tone and my breath hitches when I hear "Oh y/n~ come out, come out where ever you are~" I turn to Kent and put my finger to my lips. He nods and I hear the officer get my attention. "We sent out two officers they should be there in about..20 minutes." I nod and thank the officer before hanging up. I mean we were in my room so we should be safe.

That's what I thought until I heard pounding on the door. I flinch and cover my mouth as he laughs "Soo you're in here are ya?" He says before I heard harder pounding. I got an idea and open the curtains as well as a window. Then I went under my bed with Kent, it was a large bed and there was a skirt around the bottom, and just in time to as Karamatsu actually broke the door down.

He hums and I cover my mouth as Kent does the same. We listen as Karamatsu walks towards the window and listen as he walks around the room before it goes silent. Kent and I stay silent. I glance at Kent and he had a look of fear. I turn away from him for a second before he let out a haunting scream before being drag out from under the bed.

I jump out from under the bed to see Karamatsu holding Kent with the knife pressed against his throat. "Karamatsu don't!" I yell and he hums "Why? Would you really care if he dies?" He asks pressing the knife closer "Yes! He's a coworker and my friend!" I yell and he scowls "Mmhm and what would stop him from taking you from me? Hm?" He asks and I just stare at him.

"Mmhm that's why I can't risk it." He says and went to slit Kent's throat but I lunge at him. Knocking him to the ground and knocking the knife out of his hand. "Run!" I yell to Kent and he runs off. Karamatsu growls and shoves me off. He tries to run after Kent but I grab his ankle and pull him back to the ground. Then I pin his arms behind his back and use my free hand to push his head to the floor.

"You will stay put!" I yell and he looks up at me with a smile. "You know I was only trying to protect you dear." He says and I shove his head hard against the floor. "Shut up. I don't want to hear it." I say and he just smiles. When the officers arrive they took Karamatsu out in cuffs to the car. "Hey sweetheart!" He yells as they walk away. "Don't think this is over. We will see each other again." He says before he was put into the car and I shiver.

They way said that.

He sounded so sure and he said it with a smile too.

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