A little bit of magic

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Important Disclaimer. 

I wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter as a child and I sort of had no interest in it due to that. In fact, it took me accidently ending up on Dracotoc to finally watch it last month. It's safe to say that even though I'm quite quickly becoming obsessed, I'm  just now starting to dive into the fanfics and imagines and thanks to a recent Christmas present- reading the books. The point is that I'm still getting  a feel for the characters and their world, so I apologize if I don't quite do it all justice. 

That being said, this is a Harry Potter crossover imagine for Dean Thomas requested by Lovemonkey97 I hope you like it. 


"Put that away." I say, sighing tiredly as Neville stumbles to do as I ordered, stuffing his wand into the inside of his jacket. Seamus and Dean share a subtle glance between the two of them, trying to avoid my eyes. "What?" I ask and Dean is the only one to look my way, he smiles slightly as he pushes his hands into his pants pockets.

"You're nervous." He notes carefully, stepping closer when passengers start crowding the platform. I scoff softly, rolling my eyes as he watches me carefully.

"I am perfectly calm." I retort, proving myself wrong as my voice rises in tone, his smile grows and I simply shake my head to dismiss him. "I have no reason to worry." I say and all three of the boys nod in agreement.

"Exactly." Dean replies, smile faltering when his eyes linger on something behind me. I tilt my head back to see what he's looking at, sighing almost instantly when the red-haired little weasel comes into view.

"Ignore her." I say as I turn back to him, even though his attention remains solely latched on Ginny Weasley as she shamelessly grips onto the hand of Harry Potter. "Dean." I call and he looks over at me when my hand softly grazes his shoulder. I pull away immediately, hoping he doesn't notice the warmth in my cheeks as our eyes meet. Smile from earlier replaced with the same depressed stare I've been stuck with for weeks. I sigh softly. "I mean it, Dean. She cheated on you; she doesn't deserve another second of your attention." I tell him surely and he shakes his head in reply.

"Easier said than done when they're everywhere." He replies, looking back at the pair again.

"It's a good thing we're leaving then." Seamus notes, a hand of Dean's shoulder as he turns to me. "Right, Arica?" He asks me hopeful and I hover for a second before nodding enthusiastically.

"Yes." I say loudly and put on a smile. "Far away in fact." I tell him and grab my bag from the ground when the doors of the train open for people to go inside. "And crazy family aside, you'll all love Beacon Hills." Dean meets my gaze for a brief second before his smile returns.

"I'm sure we will." He says, picking up his own bag before reaching over and taking mine, raising a brow when I try and stop him. "I got it." Is all he says as he nods for me to head inside, looking back at Ginny briefly before following me, Seamus and Neville trailing behind him sheepishly.

"When will the trolley come by?" Neville asks, peaking around the train as people settle into their seats. I smile as he sits back down, flinching when Seamus slaps his hand away from the armrest.

"It's not that type of train." Dean tells him, scootching in beside me, smiling when our arms brush against each other. "At least not the type you're used to." He adds, pulling four packets of peanuts out of his pocket and throwing it towards the boys. "Complementary." He says mockingly as Neville stares down at the nuts confused. I laugh softly, sinking into my seat as I move to look out of the window, ignoring the feeling of Dean's arm that rest against mine on the arm rest.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now