Giving in

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This one is for neonblue98 .


Lily's pov.

"Come on Lill just tell me what I did wrong ?" Derek moans as I walk out of our bedroom down the hall with him following close behind me. Derek has been so busy helping Erica to learn control that he has been neglecting me a little.

I know it's silly but it's kind of frustrating.  He apologized for not being home so much and of course and I forgave him but he just keeps blowing me off to do stuff with her. So I figured why not tease him a little. And Derek being completely oblivious to what he did wrong in the first place just makes it so easy to mess with him.

See we were actually gonna have a nice movie day but Erica called and apparently something is wrong. I turn around to face him.  "Derek I shouldn't have to tell you what you did wrong. You should know. Anyways,  I'll start talking to you when you realize what you did wrong and when I hear an apology.." I say and before giving him time to reply I turn around and walk into the sitting room leaving a very confused Derek in the hall all alone.

The rest of the day was pretty boring actually. It's been raining all day. I'm cold and lonely. I actually wish Derek was here to hold me tight while we watch a movie together but he left short after out little chat in the hall this morning. Maybe I should just call him and tell him to come home.

I get up to check my phone to see if maybe Derek tried to call me when the house phone starts ringing. I speed walk into the kitchen and grab the phone from the stand on the counter.

"Hey Tigerlily.." Isaac greets just as chirpy as always. I smile at the nickname and push myself onto the counter before answering him.

"Hey Lahey,  what are you up to?" I ask wondering if maybe he wants to come over.

"Nothing much really, actually Lil I was wondering if Derek's around." He asks quickly.

"Um no he's not, he left this morning."

"Did you guys have a fight?" He asks.

"Not exactly." I say. He sighs like he already knows what's going on, he kind of knows me better than any one else.

"You know Lil maybe you should take it easy on him, I mean it's hard enough for him to be in relationship at all and- ."

"Wait what do you mean?" I asked confused with his statement.

"Lilly you know Derek, before you he was this kind of emotionless guy and then you came along and he changed into this guy who actually has feelings. I don't know Lil just cut the guy some slack."

I sigh. Am I blowing all of this out of proportion,  overreacting because I'm a little jealous of Erica. Before I could answer my own question or even answer Isaac the door bell rings. "Um Iz I'll call you back in a few okay,  there's someone at the door."

"Okay talk to ya soon Tigerlily.." He replies and I hang up putting the phone on the counter.

I walk over to the door and sigh when I open it and there's nobody there. I step outside and look around when my eyes land on a soaking wet Derek standing in the rain holding a guitar. "Hey.." He shouts over the loud whistling of rain falling down around us.

"Hey." I reply.

"Want to step out from under there and join me?" He asks.

"Okay.." I step out from under the porch roof that was keeping me safe from the wetness of the rain. I walk a little further until I'm standing in front of Derek.

"Want to explain what were doing here?" I ask looking up at the rain. Instead of answering me he just smiles before he starts strumming his guitar. My jaw literally drops when he starts singing the chorus of  'a thousand years' by Christina Perry.

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away what's standing of me
Every breath
Every has come to this
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you or a thousand years
I'll you for a thousand more

By the end of the chorus tears were rolling over my cheeks. Derek swung the guitar over his shoulder and it was now hanging at his back. He stepped closer to me placing his large hands on my cheeks. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. Then he kissed my nose, my cheeks and then finally two soft lips connected with mine. He pulled away but I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck connecting our lips once again for one more kiss.

 He pulled away but I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck connecting our lips once again for one more kiss

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"I love you so much Lil and I'm so sorry for not being here for you this week. I guess I'm still pretty rusty when it comes to being in a relationship." Derek says when we both pull away. I smile.

"You're not doing so bad right now." He smiles as well. "Forgiven.." He asks.

"Completely.." I reply.

"Okay Lilypad, cuddle on the couch with a movie?" He asks.

"I'd love that." Derek takes my hand and leads me inside.


After putting on some dry clothes and picking the movie we cuddled up on the couch under a warm blanket. The movie was about half way through the movie I started feeling really sleepy. I cuddled up closer into Derek's side and he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"Hey Der.." I say softly. He doesn't respond. I look up at him and smile when I see he is sleeping. "Goodnight baby.." I whisper placing a soft kiss on his collarbone before I rest my head back down on his chest and before long my eyes start to feel a heavy as well  and for the first  time in a while I get to fall asleep with my Der-bear holding me tight in his arms..



𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now