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Not requested but dedicated to MegaCreeperGirl .


Your pov.

"Hey Der how's the box hunt going?" I ask Derek over the phone.

"Got about ten big boxes and three smaller ones. Think that'll be enough??" I plop down on the couch in my bedroom.

"Let's hope so, they don't really tell you how many boxes you need to move your entire life to New York now do they? Besides Nique said she's going to bring some over tonight as well to help me pack. Anyway how far are you from my place?"

"Look out of your window." Derek replies and I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

I push myself up from the couch and walk over to the biggest window in my petite apartment. Petite sounds better then small.

"For the record my favorite flowers are roses." I shout disguising the delight in my voice with a sarcastic comment as I look down at a smirking Derek holding a bouquet of yellow and white daisies.

He sticks his tong out and then walks over to the door. I run down to the lobby to meet him. "You know love, a normal person would say thank you before criticizing the gift." I take the beautiful flowers out of his hand.

"They're lovely Der, I mean they're not roses but you know.."

Derek narrows his eyes looking at me and then in a swift movement he has his hands around my waist picking me up and swinging me around. An extremely girly giggle fills the lobby and I can feel Derek's chest vibrating from his laughter as well as he slowly sets me down.

An elderly lady enters the building and she walks right up to us. Her almost white hair is pulled up in a bun on top of her head and her floral pattern dress ends just below her knees. The scent of lavender taking over your nose. "You two make an adorable couple dearies.." She says with a wink.

I was just about to correct her when Derek wraps his arm around my shoulder. "I'm a lucky man madam. Isn't she the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?" He asks looking lovingly at me and my thoughts are somewhere between how am I gonna kill him and I'd like to see how far he is going to go with this. He even changed his voice to make it sound like he's in awe of my beauty. The lady smiles.

"She sure is. You know there is nothing nicer than young love.." She just turns and walks to the elevator.

Once she's out of eye sight I pull away from Derek. "It's sad how far you'll go Mr. Hale. You should make it easier on yourself and just ask me out already." I say jokingly or maybe not.

Derek Hale. He's my best friend. He's kind and thoughtful. He always knows how to make me smile or cheer me up when I'm feeling bad. He's a big nerd who's friends with an even bigger nerd ,that's me.

I can't picture a time when Derek and I weren't friends. We're inseparable really. So much so that I've always wondered if there is something more to our friendship. I'm moving to New York for this new job. Now I might never find out.

"So when do you leave." Derek asks. I sigh.

"Tomorrow morning.." A big smile forms on Derek's lips.

"Great." He states.

"Why's that.."

"I have an entire day to show you what you're going to have to leave behind.."


"Where are we going?" I ask Derek who's hands have a tight grip on the steering wheel.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now