Let me be your anchor

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Because I love her part 2.


It has been a few weeks since Derek gave you the bite. Everything seemed fine in the beginning but now something was wrong. You were a werewolf but you were weak and sick and your body couldn't seem to heal itself. It was like whatever Theo injected you with was fighting the bite. Derek blamed himself for you being taken in the first place and now he blames himself for putting you through even more pain.

He was worried about you and he was scared that he was going to lose you. He wanted to help you and be there for you but seeing you in so much pain tore him to pieces. And even though everybody told him that what he did was to save you he couldn't fight the fact that the girl he loved was dying and it was all his fault. He couldn't fight the guilt that was building up in his stomach.

Derek started to visit you less and less and soon all he would do is call Scott to ask how you were doing. And sometimes he would call you and tell you that he loves you.

Scott hasn't left your side since they found out what was happening. A few days after black blood started coming out of your nose and your ears you only started getting worse. You wanted to be at the place you loved, the beach.

Everybody thought it would be a good idea to get you out of Beacon Hills for a while and since you wanted the beach they wanted to give you the beach. Lydia's family owns a beach house in Santa Monica and they thought it was a good place to spend your last days. And even though everybody was only trying to make things easier for you there was only one thing that could ease your pain.


It is two  in the morning and everybody is getting ready for the drive to the beach house. They didn't want to wake you until it was actually time to go. Scott and Melissa were very worried about the car ride. In the last two days you have been slowly getting worse.

You have lost a lot of weight. You were pale and you had a constant fever. Your nose was still bleeding a lot and you were starting to have trouble using your arms and legs. You were constantly tired. You were weak, skinny and sweaty. The ride there could be very dangerous for you. But this is what you wanted and everybody respected that.

Lydia, Kira, Liam and Melissa left for the beach a few days ago with all the bags and everything else. They wanted to make sure everything was perfect for when you arrived. Scott and Stiles were going to make turns driving the jeep so somebody can keep an eye on you all the way there. And you didn't know this at the time but Derek was going to be driving behind the jeep all the way there just in case something went wrong.

You were asleep in your bed when suddenly there was this tingling feeling in your back but along with the tingling there was this numbness and suddenly you couldn't move your arms or your legs. You screamed as loud as your weak body would let you.

This has been happening a lot the last few days so when Scott came running into your room he knew what to do. He bent down next to you and he would put your one hand on his heart and the other on yours. For some reason it would always calm you down. Scott waited patiently for your breathing to go back to normal and the feeling in your legs to come back. He grabbed the small towel that was next to your bed and softly wiped away the sweat on your forehead.

"Y/n are you sure you want to do this.." he asked softly as he gave you the worried look you have been getting a lot these last few days. You simply nodded your head while flashing him a small and obviously fake smile. "Okay then we should probably get going."

He placed the towel on your bed stand before removing the blankets from your body. He slowly and carefully picked you up and started carrying you to the jeep. He slowly sat you down on the back seat of the jeep placing a pillow behind your back. He then covered you with a blanket before closing the jeep and getting in the passenger seat.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now