Comic Con

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There won't be more than at least two Tyler imagines so savoir the moment guys..


Holy shit.

It's finally happening.

I'm finally going to Comic Con. I have literally been looking forward to this precise day for the entire year. My entire life if I were being over-dramatic.  More than college or getting my license or even when I went to prom with Josh from science class. 

Which is why I've been up since about four, not even to get ready. My mind was just so utterly preoccupied with the day and everything that could possibly happen through it. But when I finally did get ready, I was more than ready to rock the entire outfit I planned around my Captain America shirt. And I was also more than willing to spend an extra twenty minutes curling my hair to complete said outfit. 

Now I'll admit that I have a bit of an advantage today , that most people didn't. Dad owns the building where Comic con is being held this year, which means my name alone gets me into the venue a bit early and that means I'll not only be in the front of the photo-opp lineup, but I'll also have some extra time to prepare for quite frankly the scariest situation I've yet to face. 

Meeting Tyler Hoechlin. 

Also known as the main reason for my attendance. I mean, I'm going to freak meeting the rest of the cast as well, but I just know that the second I get a glimpse of those green eyes, I'll freeze. I'm a nervous person in general, I'm terrified by the very idea of social interaction, which is why I've created a little game plan for today. 

I'll walk up to them, introduce myself, maybe go in for a hug because come on, take the photo and leave. It's a very simple plan, I have a very strong sense of confidence in it and I'm pretty sure that if I stick to it, it'll protect me from a very embarrassing situation. 

I hum to myself as I make my way to the Teen Wolf booth where the photos will be taken. Holding the map in my hands as I try to navigate the route there, bag hanging on my shoulder loosely. 

"Sorry." I mumble quickly when I notice I've walked into someone, looking up at them with an apologetic smile before bending down to pick up my bag and map. But a sharp push sends me falling onto my ass as hands quickly grab onto my bag, pulling it away from my reach before the person runs off.  "Hey!" I shout after him, getting up quickly to follow him as he rushes past multiple stalls and booths. 

He's a lot faster than my mind prepared me for and although I try to keep up, I start losing my speed the further he goes, but he trips over something just a few stalls away and suddenly I have all the energy in the world. 

"You asshole!" I shout as I pry the bag from his hands, stumbling back when he gets to his feet.  "What the hell is wrong with you, huh?" I ask as I dust the bag off.  The guy pulls at his shirt and then launches forward, trying to grab the bag again and I try to jump back, but he gets hold of my arm instead.  His eyes darken as he pulls me closer. I look around to see if there's anyone that could help. The guys pushes my body against his, turning me around so my back is facing him.

"This is even better." He voices behind me, following his statement with a guttural chuckle that sends a cold shiver down my spine. I take in a deep breath as I desperately try to wiggle myself out of his hold. "Hold still." He grunts, breath against my ear and without giving it much thought, I lift my foot up and kick him in the shin, the gesture enough to make him loosen his grip. I turn around and lift my knee to kick him in the groin, his hands dropping to his pants and giving me time to scurry away. 

"I'm calling security." I tell him and he launches for me again, only this time he's stopped by a fist slamming into the side of his face, knocking him to the ground where two security cards come rushing to his side from behind me. 

"Are you okay?" An alarmed voice questions and I look up from the man on the floor and lock eyes with the very man I was thinking about before all of this happened. I stop breathing for a second. Still shaky from what just happened, I almost completely forget how to speak when I see Tyler looking at me. I nod quickly, hands moving to adjust my jacket. 

"Yes." I manage, stepping aside when the security guards usher the man away. "Yes." I repeat and mentally facepalm because of course I'm losing my bloody bearings right now. "Thank you." I add quickly and very stupidly point at his hand. He smiles, like I'm not already dying over here. 

"No problem." He extends his hand towards me. "I'm Tyler." He says and I raise by brow with a soft giggle and then stop myself. 

"Y/n." I say and complete the motion by shaking his hand. "And I know who you are. Obviously. I mean you are in fact yourself. Tyler Hoechlin. You. " I deadpan and sigh. "Oh, I'm being the opposite of cool right now." I add, more to myself than him but it earns a soft laugh.  He releases my hand. 

"I think you're doing quite well." He tells me, smirking when a blush creeps onto my cheeks. I pick up my bag.

"Could we blame it on almost getting robbed? " I ask and he nods. "Good. I mean it's a total lie, but it'll make my photo-op with you and the cast much less awkward." 

"Of course." He looks me over and smiles. "Would you want to meet them now?" He asks and I have to remind myself to breathe.


"The cast, I'm heading over there now and I'm kind of nervous to leave you here alone." He says with a genuine smile and I have a little moment of fantasy when I remember that it's just for me to see. 

"I don't see that going any better than this." I tell him honestly and then smile. "I mean I'd love to, I just won't be able to communicate anything but my name for fear of utter embarrassment that will surely haunt for quite frankly my entire existence." He laughs loudly this time, a warm sound. 

"Fair." He pulls a hand through his hair. "What if I promise to keep you from saying anything stupid?" 

"Well that's a full time job, Tyler. Everything I say is stupid." 

"So I won't be able to leave your side at all?" He asks, a smirk on his lips when I nod at him. He takes my hand. "Sounds amazing." He says in a low voice and I literally have to keep myself standing. 

"You're killing me here." I tell him, lifting my hand to hide the redness of my features. He laughs softly. 

"Sorry." He mumbles, clearly not sorry at all as he starts leading me to the Teen Wolf booth.


Lots of love. Mxx. 

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