Run- part 2

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Your pov.

"Deucalion!" The shackles on my hands and feet clang against each other as I move around restlessly in the chair I'm chained to. "Deucalion!" My hoarse voice echoes through the room bouncing off of every wall.

"Shut up you little wrench, you're waking the other prisoners." He appears in front of the cell. My head snaps up at the mention of other prisoners. Who would he possible have here.

"You have me, now what do you want." I ask looking at the wall to my left. This isn't where he used to take me. It's smaller. The walls are not closed allowing my screams to travel out. The chair is in the middle of the room, chains from every corner of the room connecting to the chair. It's dark, the only light coming from a small window at the top corner of the one wall. This place smells like smoke and dust.

And blood.

His cane knocks against the metal gate. "Why won't you just give in. There is no place in this world for pathetic little humans like you. If you just take the damn bite. You'll be so much better. People will actually look at you with more than discuss." He speaks every words so carefully like he's holding every word in his hands and  carefully letting each one fall. "I won't be ashamed to call you my daughter anymore." I huff.

"And when will I stop being ashamed to call you my father." My words trigger something in his eyes, an emotion I've never seen on him before. But it disappears just as soon as it appears. He lifts up his hands and Emmis appears from the darkness. Deucalion places  his cane down on the floor and starts walking away from the cell but stops briefly to whisper something to Emmis. He tilts his head my way.

"Don't scream." He mocks with a sadistic smile.

My eyes widen as Emmis unlocks the gate from the cell and steps inside. He brings his hands ups and then throw them down at his sides as claws emerge from his fingers.

Don't scream.

Don't break.


One week.

My head hangs low as the rough wind blows into my cell. It hurts. Every inch of my body is in pain. Emmis has been in my cell nonstop. The cuts and scrapes are slowly starting to heal although there is a possibility my arm might be broken. There is a stickiness from the dried blood on my bruised skin.

I hate this. I hate the way they make me feel. Like I'm just a piece of property and now that I'm his, his people may treat me any way they want to. I hate being so useless.

Something is happening. There are so many voices around me. A few days ago someone came to break out the other prisoners. I could hear them. The breaking of walls and the grunts of the fighters. The lack of food and water and sleep might have made me delusional because I could have sworn I heard him. I heard Derek's voice, so clear it felt like he was one room away. He was shouting and growling. But then he left. And his voice was gone.

The gate of my cell swings open causing me to look up. Deucalion. I haven't seen him since he brought me here a week ago. He seems taken aback by my appearance. "Want to here something funny?" He asks kneeling down before me. I look up a his face. "Your little boyfriend still thinks he can beat me. "

"If you touch him-"

"Oh Y/n don't tease me. I won't hurt him. Yet. " I growl lightly the pure thought of Derek fighting against Deucalion scaring me. Derek is a alpha now but Deucalion has a pack full of alphas that are stronger and faster than him and they won't think twice before ending him.

"Emmis really did a number on you didn't he." He comments touching my face but I jerk away. He chuckles. "You remind me so much of your mother little Y/n." I never knew my mother. She has always been this blank space in the photos where she should have been. Sometimes I wonder if my life would have been better or worse with her in it. When I saw her that night I expected the monster everyone says she is but she wasn't. She recognized me. Maybe that's why she had Lucinda send me to that house, maybe she was protecting me.

Lost in thought I don't notice Deucalion moving around me. I shiver as his rought hands move hair out of my neck. "Why?" I speak before my mind progress what I'm saying. Silence. "Why do you need me to be your beta Deucalion, you have your pack? What possible use could you have in changing me?" He scoffs as if the words offend him.

"You still don't seem to get it. I don't need you. Nothing of this is for me. Not anymore. You're my key. " His mouth is so close to my ear I can feel his breath against my ear.

"Key to what?" I ask trying to move my face away from him. He takes a deep breath getting a tight grip on my shoulders.

" To breaking Derek Hale."

Pain. It's sharp like a dozen little knives stabbing into my neck. I can't stop him. I can't move and I can't scream. His canines retract from my skin and he backs away. My still chained hands move to my neck getting soaked in the crimson liquid. No. No. Please no. Wake up. Wake up. It's not real. Wake up.

"No!" Deucalion flinches at the sharpness of my voice. "No." My hands fall to my lap. Two outcomes await me. Death or Lycanthrope. "What have you done." I stutter as he locks the cell up. Silence. "Deucalion !" He is walking away.

"He will watch you die Y/n, no matter what the outcome." He scoffs leaving me.

It burns, like holding your hand close to the fire for too long. My bones are shaking. It won't stop bleeding.

Is it suppose to feel like I'm dying?


Final chapter coming soon.

xoxo.. M

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