Photograph- part 2

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This one is dedicated to MegaCreeperGirl .. enjoy sevan.. ♡


Sevanah's pov.

"Look I'm not saying I hate her I'm just saying that if she got hit by a bus I would be the one driving the bus.." Derek laughs at my statement as we walk into the loft. He closes the door and then turns to face me.

"She is not that bad.." He states.

"Derek the first Iron man movie was not that bad, Charlie Stone is the reason werewolves are afraid to enter Beacon Hills.."

Derek looks at me for a while before a wide grin graces his lips. "Look Kitten I'm not saying that you're an unbelievably amazing girl I'm just saying if they were to hand out awards you would probably win." I roll my eyes and playfully slap his arm.

"You're a flirt Mr Hale. I'm going to go change.." I turn around and walk over to Derek's room.

"Hey Der." I ask peeking out from behind his bedroom wall.

"Hmm.." He responds obviously in thought as he flips through his magazine. "Where are your good hoodies.."  Derek looks up from the pages and a light laugh escapes his lips.

"Bottom drawer on the left." I turn around on my heels and casually walk into Derek's bedroom.

I open the drawer and take the dark blue hoodie from the top of the pile immediately pulling it over my shirt. Derek and I have been dating for two months now. At the fear of sounding cheesy I can say that I'm possibly the happiest girl on earth. I look towards the dresser where Derek's phone is ringing.

I grab the phone and scrunch up my nose at the name popping up on his screen. "Charlie Stone". I look at the phone for about five seconds before swiping the screen and waiting for her very irritating voice to echo through the phone. With her fake blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, big butt and bumbling personality I'm actually grateful I can't see her right now.

"Hey lovebug.." She beams.

"Actually I prefer Sevanah.." I reply sarcastically.

"Ah Freckles. I uh wasn't expecting you to answer."

"Well obviously.." Wait what the hell is going on.

"Calm down okay I know what kind of ideas are running through your head right now and I can assure you its definitely not what you think.."

"Yeah well what I'm thinking is not really the important thing. The important thing right now is why the hell are you calling my boyfriend lovebug." I sit down on the end of the bed.

"If you would just shut up and let me explain." She is frustrated.

"You know what it doesn't matter, why don't you just crawl back into the egg you hatched out of and stay the hell away from me and my boyfriend. " I blurt out raising my voice in an attempt to sound threatening.

"Sevan hang up the phone.." Derek suddenly says as he hovers at the bedroom door. I bring the phone away from my ear not removing my gaze from Derek. "I can explain everything." Derek says walking over to me.

"Stop walking and start talking. I really hate to be one of those jealous girls who overreact over stupid texts or calls but when Charlie freaken Stone calls my boyfriend in the middle of the night calling him Lovebug, it's kinda hard to not you know overreact." Derek sighs running a hand through his hair.

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