First sight- part 2

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For LeahHollyWalker .  Quick note that even though part one was in teen wolf this part was not..


Derek sets down the book he was currently reading and walks over to the door. Both the heart beat and the scent is unfamiliar. He reluctantly opens the door. At the door stands a beautiful young girl who looks so much like his first love. The girl smiles at him.

"April Y/l/n." She says offering her hand for him to shake. He is beyond confused and instead of taking her hand and introducing himself he replies with

"I'm sorry what did you say?" The girl takes away her hand and then says.

"April Y/l/n, I'm Y/n's sister.." She says and just the mention of her name sends Derek's mind back to the past.


Y/n runs through the woods her hair blowing behind her head as the wind follows her, her scarf almost dancing around her neck as cute and soft giggles escape her lips. "You are meant to catch me." She yells looking back momentarily to see Derek. He smiles widely as Y/n stops to rest.

"But then the game would be over." He says walking up to her very slowly. He stops right in front of her. Derek places his hands on her cheeks as he looks lovingly into her eyes. She stands up on the tips of her toes and leans forward connecting her lips with his in a kiss that did not at all last long enough for neither Derek nor Y/n's liking. She pulls away and then turns around already starting to walk away.

"Where are you going." Derek asks.

"I'm going to lunch with my sister." 

"You never told me you had a sister.." Derek replies confused. Y/n stops walking and then turns around. "

You never asked." She answers with a small smile before turning around and walking away.


"Derek." April's voice startles Derek a little as he realizes that it was just a memory. "Are you okay? You zoned out for a while." April states. Derek looks down at the girl who seems short compared to him. The truth is that he has been having a lot of these memories lately since the alpha pack came into town. Maybe it was his way of dealing with the new troubles that lay ahead or maybe it was his way of finally excepting that she is in fact gone and all he has left of her now are memories. "Derek.." April says again this time a little louder.

"I did it again didn't I?"

"Sure did." . Derek smiles at the girl.

"I'm sorry." April giggles.

"Don't be, it looks like you've got a lot on your mind." She replies.

"Well um I'm being rude, would you like to come inside?" April nods.

Derek leads April inside the loft and she sits down on the couch. "Um I would offer you coffee but well I don't have coffee."Derek rubs the back of his neck.  April smiles once again looking at the man whom her sister once loved. She was worried about the man he might have become. Y/n's death had an impact on everyone she knew. Some it changed for the better and of course some it changed for the worse.  But as she stared up at this now grown man she realizes that behind this hard, emotionless cover Derek was still the same sweet and caring person with the heart the size of space. It gave her peace in a way, knowing that even though Y/n was gone Derek was still Derek.

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