Beauty to his Beast

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You screamed as Kate repeatedly smashed your stomach with her claws, pain shooting through your body blood everywhere and tears streaming over your cheeks.

Kate and the berserkers showed up at the hospital where you were finishing your shift and threatened to kill your little brother Stiles if you didn't go with them. How original.

You now realized why she took you. Your screams were going to lead Derek straight to her. You were biting your lip to keep you from screaming as she was still going at you, but suddenly she stopped. She tilted her head slightly looking away from you.

"You know you are just in time to see me kill your little girlfriend." she chuckled before getting up and walking away, that's when you saw Derek and the others standing at the door of the abandoned church she was keeping you in.

Derek glanced over at you obviously worried about the amount of blood surrounding you. Which was warranted. Even though you were weak and scared as hell you faked a little smile to show him you were okay. It would also make it easier for him to concentrate on fighting against Kate and her berserkers.

The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife that was until Kate broke the silence . "Oh don't worry Derek there is still a small chance that y/n over there could survive. It all depends on how long it's going to take the police to show up after I kill you and your teenage sidekicks." She chuckled glancing at you and then back at Derek and Stiles who was now standing next to Derek.

Another tear made it's way down your cheek as you realized that the two people you loved the most was going to die saving you and it was all your fault. It was all because you were to weak to fight for yourself. "You know it's a shame that she has to die so young, I mean I have to give it to you Der you picked a real beauty."

Malia, Scott and Liam growled and stepped forward getting ready to fight. Kira was doing something with her sword and Stiles brought his bat up,  he was soon joined by Argent and Breadon armed with large guns and Peter and Derek just stood there obviously deciding who was gonna make the first move. Derek looked at you one more time before attacking Kate.

It all went south from there.

Derek and Kate were clawing at each other. And the others were 'trying' to fight the creatures but they were losing. The berserker hit Kira in the face and she was now lying unconscious on the floor. Scott and Liam were still fighting the thing that hit Kira they were doing pretty well until another one stabbed Liam from behind, the other picked up Scott and threw him into a wall.

Derek wasn't doing very well, Kate was very strong and she was very fast, his shirt was ripped and covered in blood from where Kate scratched him. The berserker was heading towards Malia but she was so busy fighting the other one she couldn't see him coming.

It was all kind of confusing to wrap ones head around.

You tried to grab the gun that was laying a few steps in front of you but you couldn't move. The thing was getting closer and you couldn't just lay there and watch it kill her so you did what you could.

You screamed

"Malia." Your voice echoed through the church and you soon regretted it, screaming made your pain worse, even more blood started flooding out of your wound and to make matters worse the berserker was now heading straight towards you. Malia tried to stop it but it smashed her into a wall.

You tried to scream again or make any sound at all but you couldn't, you were losing way to much blood and you could slowly feel yourself slipping away. It was like everything insude was knotted together.  Luckily Derek saw the thing making it's way to the girl he loved. He grabbed Kate's neck and threw her on the floor looking at Scott signalling him to take over. He ran towards the Berserker jumping on its back and with one smooth movement he snapped the things neck.

"Derek we need to do this now." Argent shouted causing Derek to turn back to Scott who still had a tight grip on Kate's neck. Derek walked towards Scott and Argent , they were standing in the middle of the church with Kate, while the others including Stiles were fighting the last bezearker.

You looked back at Derek, you knew this was the end, you knew this was the last time he was ever going to have to save you. At that very moment Scott and Derek stuck their claws into Kate's chest as Argent injected a yellow liquid into her neck. She fell down to the ground. Derek immediately looked at you but it was to late.

Your heartbeat slowed down and your eyes were getting heavy. You could hear Derek shouting your name begging you to stay with him but you couldn't.

Soon everything went dark...


 I am working on part 2..

xoxo.. *M

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