Math tutor

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"Derek this isn't funny give it back." You shout trying to grab your math book out of Derek's hands. He holds it even higher above his head. You have this huge math test tomorrow. You have been stressed about it for weeks and Derek promised to help you study for it. So Derek came over to your house but after only an hour Derek started getting bored.

He grabbed the textbook and ran outside with you following shortly behind him. "Oh come on darling if I have to find 'x' one more time I might lose it. " You bite your lip. He looks so cute standing there wining like a toddler and he's got a point, 'Y' is clingy no wonder 'x' left.

"Babe if we keep at this for one more hour we can do whatever you want." You bargain. He smiles a cocky little smile.

"Or I could throw the book in the pool and end all this madness." He says attempting an English accent.

"Derek just give me the book and we can handle this like civilized people." You say seriously but fighting down a smile.

"Come and get it.." he states before turning around and starting to run.

You chase him around the pool for a while until you get an idea. You jump on his back wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He stops. But in one swift movement he swings you around bringing you face to face with him.

He smiles. "Nice move honey but you're slow." He replies his voice layered with cockiness. You lean forward till your lips are only a few centimeters away from his ear.

"Really? Cause' I got you right where I want you.]. " You whisper. When you pull away you once again wrap your legs around his waist and your arms in his neck.

Derek looks at you both shocked and intrigued. He drops the book and lays his hands on the small of your back. You smile inside as that was exactly what you knew he would do. You then lean forward and connect your lips with his in a sweet but slightly alluring kiss.

Derek smiles into the kiss and you both pulled away. " You planned that didn't you?" He asks looking impressed.

"Sure did." You reply pecking his lips once again. "Now I'm gonna go study for one more hour and then we can continue this." You say sternly but flirty. He chuckles.

"You bet we are." He gently puts you down on the ground.

You bent down to pick up your math book. "Oh and mister don't you dare do something like that again." Derek chuckles.

"Oh really, what are you gonna do?" He asks playfully.

"No kissing for a week." You reply with a smirk. Derek swallows hard.

"Yeah I think I'm gonna behave.."

"Thought so, now come on, it's freezing out here." You walk over to Derek to take his hand but he wraps his arms around you and you do the same. Then the two of you walk inside.

"I love you darling." Derek mumbles giving you one more kiss before you start studying again.



𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now