Meet the Mikaelsons

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Request for @TheMoonandStars84, enjoy. Xx.

The Originals x Teen Wolf Crossover


"Just don't touch anything," I command calmly, Stiles pausing mid air as his hand hovers over one of Klaus's paintings and everyone allows for a soft laugh, Derek kissing the side of my head as his hand remains inside my back pocket.

"This place is beautiful," Lydia notes, looking around slowly as her eyes move over the various features of the compound.

"Yeah," I say with a shrug, walking deeper into the compound as I mimic her actions, mentally comparing the way it looks to the pictures Rebekah sent me with her letters and I can't help but smile when my eyes settle on the Mikaelson crest, fingers reaching out mindlessly as I trace the carved wall numbly.

"What does it stand for?" Derek asks, moving behind me where he wraps his hands around my waist, face resting on my shoulder. My smile grows due to the gesture, free hand finding one of his.

"Mikaelson," I note softly, memories of our family suddenly speeding through my mind like a slideshow, things I'd told myself I'd forgotten completely proving to be embedded into my mind.

"Like the ancient vampire family?" Scott asks, having disappeared to the bathroom for a minute as soon as we got here.

"More vampires?" Stiles asks from behind me, and I nod.

"Yeah, they're the first of their kind," I explain, though my attention is far from this conversation, a feeling similar to the one I felt when I explained this to Derek, him being the only one knowing not only who I truly am and where I come from, but whom I was running from. "The Originals," I add, and Derek gives me a slight squeeze, turning me around in his arms, probably picking up on my dazed state.

"Cool," Is all Stiles offers as a reply, taking Lydia's hand as Scott follows them to explore more of the house.

"You okay?" He whispers, leaning towards me. I nod in his hold, hands moving to his arms.

"Just a little weird being here, I guess." I look up to him, smiling slightly when our eyes meet. "I thought that when I finally got to see this place in all its glory, they'd be here with me, waiting maybe," Derek nods with understanding, smiling sympathetically.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," He loosens his grip, leaning back to get a better look at me. "We can leave if you're not comfortable," He offers sweetly and I shake my head with a smile, kissing his lips quickly.

"No," I tell him though I can't hide the slight rise in my tone, his brows furrowing as a result. "We need to let things cool down in Beacon Hills and no one will bother us here," I pause, sighing softly as I move my hands over his bare arms. "Besides, there's a literal coffin around here somewhere with my name on it."

"Wait really?" Derek asks intrigued as he looks around the room pointlessly. I nod, not fighting against the smile on my lips.

"Yeah, a dagger too, but I doubt we'll find that just laying around," I pull away from him briefly, taking his hand in mine as I guide him towards the hallway by the staircase where Stiles' is excitedly gesturing towards the wall.

"It's her!" He announces loudly, eyes moving over the painting that Klaus painted of our family, and I subconsciously tighten my grip on Derek's hand, his thumb moving up and down against my skin to soothe me.

"It's not her," Lydia argues with a roll of her eyes, arms folded as Scott simply watches the scene unfold. "It's far more likely to be a relative that looks remarkably a lot like her," She reasons and Derek bites back a grin at my side.

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