Little wolf

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qThe last year has been quite busy. With both Derek's father and your parents passing away. You were one of the few human friends the Hale family had so when your parents passed away they were more than happy to take you in. You were already spending most of your time there anyway being Cora's best friend and Derek. Well no one was really sure what the two of your were but you definitely had a special place in the sourwolf's heart.

It's been a year since you moved into the Hale house. The Hale family has made it their duty to keep you safe and out of danger. But you have always been quite a stubborn girl and after finding about just how your parents and Mr. Hale died you refused to sit by doing nothing, while the hunters go around murdering the rest of the werewolf population. No one was really fond of you being around so much death and fighting, but you always felt safe around this particular family.

There has been word spreading around Beacon Hills about a new werewolf pack. Talia being Talia, wanted to welcome them into town but also warn them about the hunters. The meeting was set up for today at eight sharp in the woods by the Hale house.

It was going fine until you and Cora showed up to greet them. They were not happy that a human was so involved in werewolf business.

The alpha in the pack, Marcel calmed his pack and walked over to you and Derek inched a little closer to your side. "My apologies love, I'll be sure to talk to my betas about their behavior. They should know better than to threaten a girl who runs with wolves." Marcel spoke with a thick English accent.

He brought his hand up to your cheeks moving a strand of hair behind your ear. "Do you have a name dear?" He asked as his hand moved away from your cheek. You swallowed hard.

"Y/n" You answered softly.

"Ah y/n, a magnificent name for a magnificent girl I'm sure." He replies with a smile before turning to face the rest of the Hale family.

"You know Talia I might be new to this town but you have made one very unfortunate mistake." He says turning on his heels to face you again, a devilish smile dancing on his lips. "You've showed me your weakness." Before anyone could fully take in his words he had his arm around your neck holding your body against his with your back against his chest. Derek moved closer but Marcel shoots him a threatening look warning him to stay back.

He looked at his pack and they moved away from the Hales. Derek and Peter took that as their chance. Derek ripped Marcel off of you and throws him against a tree. Peter quickly grabs you into his arms and the rest of the pack form around the two of you except.

Marcel chuckled as he stood up and Derek was in front of him as soon as he did. Derek pushed him up against the tree tightening his grip around Marcel's neck. "You may be an alpha but no one lays a hand on her and gets away with it. Try that again, I dare you. I would love to see the look of terror in your eyes when you realize you're about to die at the hand of a beta. I'm only going to warn you once." Derek threatened before removing his hand. He walked forward, grabbing you from Peter's arms and picking you up. Without another word he sped up getting you as far away from Marcel and his pack as he can with the rest of the Hale family not far behind.


Derek carefully places you down on the porch of the Hale house. "Are you okay?"  You nod before answering.

"I'm fine Der, he didn't even hurt me." You reply with a small reassuring smile. He returns the smile before turning to walk away. "Derek." You say softly making him stop. "Thank you." He looks back at you momentarily.

"Anything for you squirt." He smirks knowing you hate the nickname before turning on his heels and walking away.

A little while after the whole woods incident you walk up to your room and plop down onto your bed. About 10 minutes later there is a knock on the door. You sit up and smile at Quinn, Cora and Derek's cousin who is leaning against the door frame.

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