All is fair in love and war

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Word count- 4006


"Are you sure?" He nodded his head slowly and her heart filled with dread for less than a second before the pen slipped over the white paper. She swallowed. "Fine."

"That's it?" He seemed surprised and in all honesty so was she, but it had been a long year. A long year filled with more uncertainties than she had ever faced and that in itself was a statement to make.

"You know what a war is?" He frowned and so did the lawyer at her side. "A war is where two parties fight for what they believe. Without two parties then it isn't a war, you're just fighting a battle within. I've been fighting for months. And I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting against nothing, for nothing. So yes, that is it. " She smiled and even though it appeared otherwise, she truly was happy, not for herself but for him. She lifted herself along with her bag up from the chair and walked towards the door of the polished little room.

"Where will you go?" His voice was layered with a hint of concern and she found herself fearing days without him trying to protect her even when he had never needed to do so. She watched the clock ticking against the wall and smiled once again, her head turned the slightest bit and she met his gaze.



"Your highness it's time to go." The creature hovered at her door as she watched her reflection dance in the mirror.

Home was different. The creatures of Everleign had grown restless in her absence. She thought that once she left they would have forgotten her, but they never did. In fact everyone, from the vampires to the wizards, they had all been waiting for her return. A thought that should have brought her joy.

Although the crown laid heavy on her head. The ground unsteady under her feet. Her heart trembled in her chest. She wondered if she'd be the same, if she would be the ruler her people needed. It had been years since she practiced her 'gift'. Would she be able to use it for anything except reading her husbands mind? Would her weakness show when she entered the stadium, when she faced the new recruits? How many showers would she have to take for his scent to leave her skin?

No matter the fears and the doubts she knew she had to push them aside. With her fathers eyes on her, she had to prove her worth and stick to the instructions. A shipment of creatures would arrive shortly. Her duties hadn't changed, break them and rebuild them. Some supernatural creatures had always been dangerous and that is why almost a million years ago her family had build Everleign. A place for them to be trained but also where they could life in harmony. All members of reign had been traveling across the world to find these special beings and bring them here. Two main species were to be tested, werewolves and vampires. They were more dangerous than the rest, their animalistic tendencies had to be drawn out and controlled.

As heir to the throne she knew that despite her longing for normality, one thing would always be more important.

The war of finding humanity within monstrosity.

"Philippe has The Raven landed yet?" The young vampire nodded briefly and at that moment the ground shook as the jet landed outside the window. He took her hand in his and within seconds the air swerved and they were standing at the foot of the palace, at the foot of the jet.

Many people made their way to the landing strip. Everyone wanted to see what had been brought. It had been quite a while since a new shipment had arrived. She too was interested. There had been rumors of Day-walkers in Sicily. Rare vampires like Philippe that had the ability to walk in the sun, to teleport and to live off of more than blood. They made great warriors, their strength outweighing any other. Even she had to be careful around them, but it had been a while since she faced them. It would be a great asset to The Reign if their kind had been recruited.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now