Needless to say

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This one is for Lost-Souls- .

PS. The title.. Pun intended


Your pov.

The streets are empty this late at night. Families are all gathered around the table having dinner together, sharing stories of the day that has passed, laughing. And here I am spending my night with Derek going through the Bestiary to find information on the evil ancient spirit currently possessing Stiles. Is it weird that, that sentence sounds normal to me ?

See the supernatural world has never been strange for me. I was born into a very different world than most. Both my parents being werewolves I always knew what crazy things were out there. New Orleans is a town filled with vampires who feed off of humans, witches living in fear and werewolves forced to change every full moon.

The werewolf gene floods through my veins only to be triggered when I take the life of an innocent. See this is what I grew up knowing, my parents turn into awful bloodthirsty wolves on the full moon unable to control what they do to the people around them. So they sent me away, in the hopes of keeping me save from the monsters but Beacon Hills might not have been the best choice.

This town has monsters of its own. I still feel safer here. A friend of my parents offered to take me in once I moved here. Peter Hale, they knew the man he once was and hoped he would protect me like he protected his own family before the fire that killed them. Soon after my arrival I met his nephew, Derek. He too was kind towards me, in fact we became rather close friends and soon I found myself spending most nights at his loft. He even invested in a new bed for me since he found the couch quite uncomfortable to sleep on.

So like I said I'm on my why to the loft. Derek still fights against letting me tag along to the fights but I am good at helping out with research and stuff of that sort to help the pack. The thing is that I have not met the so called pack yet, until tonight that is. I'm actually a little nervous. It feels like the first day of school, when you don't know anyone and you feel awfully selfconcious for no reason.

My phone vibrates and Derek's name pops up on my screen.

"Lia did you get lost again.. ;) "

I giggle shoving my phone back in my pocket while using my other hand to open the door of the loft. "You're late Lia.." Derek states  as soon as I enter.

"Ohh Derek a princess is never late everyone else is simply early." He laughs lightly closings the door behind me.

"Are you ready." I nod my head as an answer. Derek places his hand on the small of my back as he leads me to the room where the pack is sitting. Laughter and loud debates keep their attention on each other. Derek clears his throat catching the eyes of most of them. One boy with a regrown buzz cut ignores Derek's presence and crunches away at the pack of chips in his hands. The girl with the fiery red hair slaps him over the head and the poor guy almost chokes on his chips.

"Everyone this is Lia the girl I've been telling you about. " I look up at Derek as he stares out in front of him.

"So you talk about me huh." I whisper and before he can answer someone else does.

"There is not a second he doesn't." A girly haired boy with bright blue eyes stands up from the couch and walks towards us. "Nice to meet you Lia,  finally put a face to the name. Although I've heard so much about you it feels like I already know you." Derek sighs at my side probably annoyed with the mention of how  much he talks about me. I smile at the boy.

"Gee and here I am at a total loss. What did you say your name was."

"Name is Isaac." His smile doesn't fade, I find him quite cute, he reminds me of my brother back in New Orleans, that is before  he triggered the gene.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now