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MorMor_187 .. "An imagine where he is being overprotective."


Derek's  pov.

"Stop ignoring me." I plead reaching for her arm.

She smiles turning to face me. "Baby you're being rediculous, nothing is going to happen." Her smooth voice fills the cold air.

Lydia asked Mormor to join her for a night out and usually I wouldn't care since I trust Mormor and Lydia would always keep her safe. There is just something that doesn't feel right. Besides the fact that Mormor just recovered from her operation, I just know there is something off about tonight.

She leans forward and kisses me. I can barely see her in the darkness forming around us. "I love you." She whispers and turns to get in the car with Lydia.

With uncertainty I watch the car pull out of the driveway and watch them drive off into the night.

I should let it go. If she thinks I'm overreacting I probably am. Everything will be fine. They'll be safe together. In a bar outside of Beacon Hills. With a bunch of drunk guys.

They'll be fine. Perfectly fine. Especially when I go to check up on them and make sure no one even breathes in their direction. Yeah totally fine.

I run inside to get the keys for the Camaro and take the phone out of my pocket to type in the address and get the GPS ready. All while jumping in the car and driving away.


About twenty minutes later I pull up to the bar. "Poison" flickers in neon pink letters above an open door leading towards bad choices and awful people.

In front of the entrance I see Lydias' car and next to it Alissons. And the jeep and Scotts' bike. Am I the only one who wasn't invited.

Shutting the door behind me I walk towards the bar. A square metal window beside the door allows you to peek inside. Focusing on her heartbeat I scan the crowded bar for her face.

At a small round table in the corner of the room she sits alone, her hands hug the water bottle as she watches the dance floor. Scott and Lydia are goofing around, dancing in awkward ways. Stiles and Allison are slow dancing even though up beat country music, created by the life band is loudly blasting in the room.

I turn my gaze back to her. Despite my position I can only imagine how beautiful she looks. I didn't see what she was wearing when she left the loft  but the low neckline of her favourite dress peeks out from the high table. Her eyes flicker from the dance floor to the drinks of her friends, as if keeping an eye on both.

With one look she reaches over the table and takes a sip from a beer bottle. She grimaces and then quickly takes a sip from her water. Figures, she hasn't had anything to drink before. She looks up once more and then the worst thing possible happens.

She sees me.

Quickly ducking away from the window I can only hope she doesn't come outside. Although you know what they say about hope. Actually I don't,  but they do say something.

The door swings open and her small figure walks into the cold air, the sound of music dies out as she closes the door. Expecting the worse I start thinking of all the possible ways to defend myself, but then she smiles. Not the type of smile that scares me, the sweet and loving type of smile.

"Well hi Derek." She places her hands on her hips.

"I can totally explain." I lift my hands up as a defence mechanism. She smiles once more.

"No need. You were just being overprotective." She steps forward and calmly fixes the colour of my jacket.

I scoff. "I wouldn't say overprotective per se. Caring, that's all."

Still fiddling with the colour her fingers lightly trace my skin. "Do you trust me Derek Hale." Her hands now laced around my neck she steps even closer.

"Of course I trust you." I steel another peek at the bar and the people inside. "It everyone else I don't trust."

She giggles.

"I'm sorry for following you and spying on you and also for calling Lydia to get the address."

"Apologie excepted and by the way." She removes her hands from my neck and then takes her lip gloss from her boot. Slowly dragging the little stick over her lips I stare at her as she applies it. "I love you."

"Yeah I guess I love you too Mori."

Without a word she takes my hand and I follow her inside the busy room. An awful stench of sweat and vomite. Mixture of voices and groans of drunk men. What an awful place to be in willingly.

"Let's dance." She shouts trying to be heard over the noise.

"I don't dance." I shout back.

She shakes her head and wraps her hands around my neck, as if planned the song switches too something slower. Pleased, Mormor smiles.

She leans forward and her lips almost touch my ear. "Just move with me okay. It's easy."

I rest my hands on her hips. Trying to do as I'm told I slowly move from left and right all while keeping the rhythm of the song in mind.

"This is completely cheesy." I whispers back to her after a while.

She tilts her head. "Whatever do you mean."

"Is this my punishment." She laughs.

"No Der, this is what I consider romantic."

Looking at her pleading eyes and faltering smile , I realize that sometimes even when all I want to do is keep her safe and away from the world, I need to step outside and enjoy every moment I have with her.

"Well then if cheesy is what you want, consider me cheddar."

We 'danced' through three songs and I ignored the feeling of my masculinity slipping away. Then finally it was time to leave.

Mori grabbed her purse and her jacket and I waited patiently as she greeted her friends. On our way to the door a drunk guy fell over his feet while checking her out, almost dragging her down with him.

"Hey buddie, you should watch where you're going." I reacted before I could stop myself and I was kind of pushing him up against the wall. He honestly seemed scared, his eyes were large and his hands hung at his sides, like a puppy with his tail between his legs.

I glanced back at her and she just grabbed the keys from my pocket and walked out. Unsure of what to do next I stared at the guy. I wanted to do something but then he said those words.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

I let him fall to the ground and stumbled out of there myself.

There she sat on the hood of my car with a smirk on her perfectly painted lips.

"Masculinity restored." She giggles jumping off and getting into the car.

We are never leaving the loft again.


Just a quick reminder that I absolutely dread imagines like these so I truly hope it was okay.


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