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DestineyTaylor1928 enjoy.


Your pov.

"Oh for heavens sake father, enough." I walk away from the large table while feeling the eyes of every hunter on my back, I know I will be in trouble for this but I need to get out of here. 

I know it is wrong but I need to see him. The guards stiffen as I walk out of the the mansion, my fingers slide over the screen as his number ends. 

The air rushes on the other end before his voice fills the void silence. "Feeling lonely." his tone is playful like he knew I'd call eventually. I knew that too. I can't stay away from him, he draws me in, like waves pulling into the ocean, it is like an instinct. 

"I'll be at the loft in five."


My fingers move mindlessly, buttoning up the plaid shirt. I can feel him shifting under the sheets as I sit at the end of his bed.

"Are you okay." his hand touches my back in an almost caring way. "You seem distracted." I turn and rest my back against his headboard. 

"I have never seen more than the inside of that mansion. I spend my days there and I spend my nights there and if your beta had not broken into the armory I never would have met you. I hate what my family does and I hate that I am good at it." He sits up as well and turns to face me.

"What is it you want Destiney ?"

"I want to live." he smiles and takes a shirt from the floor. 

"Fine, let's do some living.."


"This is illegal." Derek ignores me as he slips into the back door of the winery. "Der it's the middle of the night, what if we get caught?." Silence once again, so I follow of course and the essence of fruit and alcohol hits my sences immediately, it's sharp and sweet. Of all the places we could have gone I don't know why Derek chose to come here.

"Remember our first date." Derek walks out in front of me and opens one of the barrels. "We shared a bottle of wine in the room where you're father kept his guns." He hands me a glass filled almost to the top. "It was the first time you ever had wine and it was also the first time you had to nurse a hangover." With guiding steps Derek walks away from the barrel and once again I follow him. We stop at the first corner that shows the end of the room. A two seat wooden chair and a little table breaks the emptiness.

"That's the first time you showed me you were normal. Despite the way I felt, I could never look past the hunter in you, until you threw up on my lap and ruined everything." I laugh as we both sit down on the chair. Out of habit I lean into Derek's embrace and he folds me into his arms being careful not to spill the wine from either one of our glasses. "Our messed up life's somehow bought us together and it sucks, it truly does, knowing we could never really be completely happy, but it's still special." Derek kisses the top of my while staring mindlessly at endless rows of barrels and crates. "That, for me is where I truly started living and I hate that I can't give you more but I'd take any fraction of live with you. "

He doesn't say anything else but he doesn't need to, neither of us do but if I don't say it now I don't know when I'll have another moment like this.

"I love you."


Two weeks later.

Dereks pov.

I hated the Twilight movies. I dreaded every minute of hopeless bullshit. But looking back now I kind of get it. I haven't spoken to Destiney  in weeks and it's quite upsetting, no reasons and no explanations just an ice cold freaken shoulder. Given the sad fact that I'm Bella in this scenario I intend to put an end to the radio silence. Her parents and the rest of the mansion are out hunting tonight, giving me the opportunity to sneak in and get some answers.


"Des open up, I hear you in there."  She shuffles once again but the bathroom door stays shut and so does her lips, not one word since she saw me and not one word since she ran in there. I honestly don't get it and I most certainly did not sign up for unknown drama and unexplained mood swings.

The door isn't locked which means I can walk right in there and break the case wide open. But she obviously doesn't know that and me barging in and invading her privacy could lead to a new batch of drama and I do not have the power to face that. So I knock on the door once more.

"Come one just let me in and we can talk about whatever is upsetting you." Shuffle and shrug and this time something different.

"Do you love me?  Like really love me. Like spend eternity together and all that crap." Her voice is soft yet controlled like her words aren't really planned or thought through but she still forces them to be spoken.

Screw it.

I open the door and I see her feet move backwards in a rush before I see her. Although I do see her and what a sight it is. It seems wrong. The way she looks. Not because it isn't beautiful but because it's not her. She looks down at the ground and her hands are folded across her stomach causing me to feel so deeply closed off from her.

"Babe." The softness and care in my voice suprises even me, for until now I haven't felt worry so strong. She breathes deeply and tightens her grip over her PJs.

Her heart beats a mile a minute as she lifts her gaze. But either I've gone mad with worry or I hear an echo the more I focus. She swallows hard and it causes me to take in more of our surroundings.  There is a half full glass of water on the bathtub and a wet cloth is placed next to it. The rug that's usually in front of the door is in front of the toilet. And the little trashcan next to the sink is overflowing with the same pink boxes and on the end of one a word is written in bold "test".

Her face grows weary as I look around and then it all makes sense. It's not and echo at all.

It's a heartbeat of it's own..

"Are you angry ." Her voice is shaking and I know she's forcing back tears. Our eyes meet and in them I see fear, real fear and it's awful. All this time I thought I did something wrong when she was feeling the same.

"Why on earth would I  be angry." She shakes her head and  the first droplet falls from her eye. I pull her into my arms and grip onto her tighter than I ever did. "Des I'm the luckiest guy in the world. " I pull away and bend forward to reach her stomach, gently I lift her shirt to see her bare skin. The heartbeat of the little baby grows even stronger as I shut out the noise around me.

The most unrealistic feeling forms in me and I know for a fact she feels it too.

"I love you and I'll love this baby too, because it's ours." I look back up at her and she seems relieved. "It's ours right ?" For the first time since I came here she smiles and it's glorious.


I'm back after a long and hard few weeks of not writing. I hope you liked it Destiney and I hope it was worth the wait..

Once again I'll try to get the rest of the request done as soon as I can.. There is a clue for the next imagine in there so if you think you found it comment below..


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