Sweet dreams

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y/n- your name.

y/l/n-your last name


 I sit up from Derek's hold, his arm falling to the bed behind me. I look over the room quickly, taking in the darkness that tells me it's still in the middle of the night. My hand lifts to my neck as air seems to escape quickly, lips quivering and body shaking. I glance back at Derek, sure he might have heard me by now as soft gasping sounds surround us.  I reach my other hand out to him, grabbing onto his hand to wake him. 

He's groggy at first, confused by the sudden harsh touch of my fingers around his own. His eyes grow large as he takes in the sight of me at the edge of the bed. He throws the blankets off , moving to my side as quickly as he can, a frown settled onto his forehead.

"Y/n?" He questions, voice tight. "What's going on?" He adds in a rush and I manage to shake my head, hopefully letting him know that I have no idea what's happening to me either.  "Are you hurt?" He asks, his voice growing impatient at the lack of information. I shake my head again and lift my other hand to my chest, breaths growing more raw. 

He pulls away from me and walks to the other side of the room to turn on the light and then takes my purse from the hook on the wall, tipping it over to throw everything out onto the floor. He bends over to rummage through everything until his fingers grab onto my old inhaler. He holds it up to me questioningly and I nod quickly. 

"Here." He says as he puts the tip of the inhaler between my lips pushing down on the top as I desperately breathe in the air pushing into my mouth.  My hands surround his to take the little object into my own hands and I repeat the process two more times before the burning sensation in my chest starts to simmer down. 

"Thank you." I whisper, voice shaking as I put the inhaler down, one hand reaching for his own. He smiles, lifting a hand to my face where he gently cups onto my cheek. 

"You scared me." He says in a softer tone and I smile, leaning into his touch. 

"I scared myself." I say, thumb moving over his hands slowly. "I completely forgot how awful these attacks are." I tell him and he moves to sit down on the bed next to me. 

"Good thing you still keep an inhaler around." He shakes his head. "I don't know what I would've done if you didn't have it."

"Taken me to the hospital, hopefully." I say with a smile and he mocks my expression before dragging a hand through his hair. 

"Maybe." He starts and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Would kissing you work?" He asks and I shake my head against his shirt. 

"That's for panic attacks, holding my breath while having an asthma attack wouldn't be wise." I explain and he nods as well

"Well, that's some valuable information." He lifts my head with his hand. "Can I do it now?" He asks and I nod with a smile, inching closer to him. His lips connect to mine softly and every tense nerve in my body relaxes.  He pulls away and pushes me back onto the bed slowly, lifting the blanket over my waist and then walks around the bed to lay down behind me, arms pulling me against him tightly. He kisses my shoulder. "Night." He whispers.

"Sweet dreams, Der." I reply, eyes feeling heavy. 


Lots of love. Mxx.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now