Pack mom

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You and Derek both sit up in your bed when there is a loud noise downstairs. You look at the door and then back at him. "Stay here." He says in a whisper while getting up from the bed.

"Really, Derek think that through for a second?" You reply also in a whisper. He sighs. Obviously he can't leave you up here alone. At least if you were with him he could protect you.

"Stay behind me." You jump up from the bed and tip toe over to him. "I'm serious y/n." Derek says when both of you reach the door.

"I know you are.."

Derek walks out of the door with you following him. Okay so maybe this was a stupid idea cause when you reach the top of the stairs you start feeling really scared. This is Beacon Hills for goodness sake who knows what's roaming around. As if he read your mind Derek takes your hand in his. "Behind me." He whispers and you nod.

Once the two of you reach the bottom of the spiral staircase another noise fills the almost empty loft. The glass shatters and shoots across the floor. Derek turns to face you. He leans forward to kiss your forehead and then he puts his finger on his lips telling you to be quiet.

Derek walks out from behind the wall you were now standing behind all alone. You hear growling and that is followed by a loud thump. I man comes sliding across the floor and stops a few feet in front of you. The lights of the loft come on and you sigh realizing who the 'intruder' is.

"What the hell Isaac?" Derek shouts appearing next to you.

You look at the boy noticing the blood stains on his shirt. He had this sad expression on his face and you could see the new gashes on his hands from where the glass from the window cut him. He sat there on the floor not saying or doing anything. "What happened Isaac." You ask carefully walking over to him.

You sit down next to him. "I uh- I did som- something.." He stutters while fiddling with his hands.

"Okay sweetie, tell me what you did so we can help you." Isaac looks up from his hands.

"I- I can't.." He sounds scared.

"Derek would you give us a few minutes?" You ask knowing that he was one of the reasons Isaac didn't want to talk. It's not that Derek wouldn't try to help or anything. Isaac has been hurt a lot and it's hard for him to talk about it with just anyone. You and Derek started dating a few months before he turned Isaac so you were there with him for everything.

"Don't worry Der I got this. Now go." You say when he hesitates. Derek mumbles an okay before walking up the stairs. Then you turn to Isaac. Even though most of the scars were healed he was still covered in blood. Knowing Isaac it would take him some time to be ready to talk.

"Okay sweetie how about we walk over to the sitting room and we get you cleaned up.. what do you say." You ask sweetly putting your hand on his knee. He nods. "Okay then. I'm gonna get the first aid kit and then I'll be right back." You get up and walk over to the kitchen.

Returning with the first aid kit you walk into the sitting room. Only to find Isaac sitting on the couch crying. You place the kit down on the end table then carefully walk over to him sitting down next to him. "Y/n I hurt someone." He states calming himself down.

"Who did you hurt honey." You ask calmly.

"A hunter." He seems dreadful as he stares at the ground.

"Okay. Izz that's okay." You say talking his hands in yours.

"He- he's dead y/n" He says and tears start to flow over his cheeks.

"Shh Izz , I'm right here.. you're okay now." You pull the boy into your arms and he rests his head on your shoulder, his sobs only getting louder.

"I- I'm scared y/n" he mumbles.

Isaac was a sweet and insecure guy but he was always brave and seeing him like this broke your heart. "You don't have to be. Not anymore okay. Derek and I are going to keep you safe. I'll talk to the sourwolf and you can stay here with us for a while and everything is going to be okay.." You gently rub your hand over his back.

Isaac reluctantly let you out of his arms. You walk over to the bedroom you and Derek shared. "Hey Der.." You say softly. He puts down the book he was pretending to read and sits up on the edge of the bed.

"He can stay as long as he wants to."

"Derek Hale were you eavesdropping." You ask putting your hands on your hips. He walk over to you placing his hands over yours.

"Definitely, had to make sure he didn't try anything with my girl." He leans down and kisses your forehead.

"So he can stay?" You ask when he pulls away.

"Yeah he can stay."

You and Derek make your way down the stairs to tell Isaac the news. But stop when you hear the sound of someone snoring coming from the couch. You quietly walk over to the couch. Isaac is fast asleep. You take the blanket that just happened to be on the couch and carefully cover Isaac with it. You place a soft kiss on his forehead before walking away.

Derek sits on the stairs a goofy grin painted on his lips as he watches you walk over to him. "You're good with him, with everyone in the pack actually, even Erica." Derek states as he pulls you into his lap. "I guess I kind of feel like if I don't take care of them no one will." You down at Derek and smiles.

"You're like the mom of the pack."

"The pack mom. I like that." You say leaning forward and resting your head on his shoulder. Derek wraps his arms around you.

"I love you y/n" He mumbles.

"And I love you.."

"Yeah yeah, everybody loves everybody. Now could the two of you keep it down. I'm trying to sleep.." Isaac shouts from the sitting room making both you and Derek laugh. Sleepy Isaac was not a sad type of guy.


This might sound stupid but I like to follow all my readers. Don't worry I'm not gonna stalk you and I certainly don't expect you to follow me back or anything like that.. it's just that my readers mean the world to me and this is my simple way of saying thank you for using your time to read my stories, so if you are reading this and I'm not following you please comment on this story and I'll follow you right away.. only if you want to of course.


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