The day he knew

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The first time he new he loved you was on one of those strangely cute ways.

It was raining and you called him up a few hours after midnight. His phone rang a few times until he finally picked up. He saw it was you calling and as it was in the middle of the night he answered immediately fearing something was wrong.


"Hello y/n. What's wrong? Are you okay?" His voice was frantic but the sleepiness in his voice was clear.

"Der-bear I'm cold and I really need you right now.." The reply left him speechless for a mere second until he sighed.

"Okay y/n I'll be at your place in a few just w-"

"Actually you don't have to go anywhere I am at your front door.."  You hung up.


Derek smiled and grabbed his shirt before heading downstairs to let you in.

He opened the door and you were in his arms before he could say a word. Shaking from the cold and wet from the rain.

"Y/N I think it's cute that you show up here when ever you want but babe it's 3 in the morning." Although he was slightly irritated he kept a loving tone.

"I know I just really needed to see my Der-bear.." Your arms still around his waist and your face in his chest you gave a muffled response.

He could;t fight it. He was whipped, like a horse in a race he was whipped by you.

"Fine." He kissed your forehead. "Make yourself at home, I am going to get you some warm blankets. " He said before walking away.

You laid down on the extremely comfortable sofa and suddenly your eyes felt heavy..

"Y/n I hope these are e-" He stopped talking seeing you curled up on the sofa fast asleep. He walked to the sofa and covered you with a blanket placing a soft kiss on your cheek and he was about to walk away. "Hold me." You ordered in a soft whisper while  sitting up slightly.

He chuckled sitting next to you and pulling you into his arms. You smiled before placing you head on his chest. "I love you "  You whispered before closing your eyes.  "I love you more.." He whispered back as a smile formed on his his lips. He looked down at you, peacefully sleeping on his shoulder. Rubbing his thumb over your cheek he realized something, he loved you. He loved you more than anything in the world and he knew that he would always love you and that he would always protect you.


xoxo.. *M

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now