Death of me- Part 2

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Second part of the request for @sophiac0846 , Enjoy. xx


"Goodbye, Stiles." I say with a scoff, shoving the phone into my back pocket as I close the door behind me. My frown instantly shifts into a smile when a string of irritated curses drift from the kitchen. I follow the trail of unhappy groans to find Derek standing on a chair, hands fiddling with the electric wire of the light. "Hi there." I say, voice calm as I try to disguise my amusement.

"I hate you." He tells me, not looking away from the ceiling as he moves a hand to his side. I smile again, eyes raking from the ceiling to his face, confusion and irritation mixed into an oddly appealing frown. I slowly drag my gaze over his bare arms, almost having to remind myself to breath as he moves slightly in his tank top. The sound of him scoffing makes me look back up, he looks amused as our eyes meet. "You're staring." He informs me, like I was somehow unaware.

"I couldn't possibly be blamed if I was." I tell him in reply, leaning against the doorframe. "You'd think I'd be used to it by now." I say, arms folding over my chest as he steps down from the chair. "Used to you looking like that. But I don't think I could, wouldn't want to anyway." I say and he shakes his head while he washes his hands.

"Calm down, Olivia." He muses, eyes catching mine once again as he dries his hands with the towel. "I just might think, you're trying to seduce me." He comments amused, arms moving slowly as he places the towel on the counter.

"Is it working?" I muse in return, smile growing as he makes his way towards me. He smiles as well, hands carefully drifting to my waist.

"It always does." He says and kisses me quickly before leaning back to look at me. "How are we doing on pain today?" He asks and glances over my body quickly, checking for anything that seems off. I roll my eyes as I move my hands to his arms.

"Barely any." I inform him, moving my head to catch his attention. "It's been months, Derek. I'm almost perfectly healed by now." He pulls me closer. "You don't have to worry anymore."

"I'm not worried." He answers too quickly, shaking his head at himself when I laugh quietly. "I'm only slightly worried." He adds and kisses my forehead quickly before walking out of the kitchen, looking back for a minute to inform me that I should follow him. "I'm more worried about one of your little friends walking in on us kissing and announcing it to the world if I'm being honest." He says and I settle down on the sofa in my bedroom. Eyes following Derek as he moves between the bedroom and the bathroom.

"They won't find out until we're ready for them to find out." I say and he pops his head out from the bathroom. "Towels are in the third drawer." I tell him, the running shower in the background telling me what he's up to.

"Why do you keep moving them?" He questions in a shout, already in the shower.

"I don't." I stand up, taking his extra clothes out of my dresser and moving to wait for him next to the slightly open door. "You just keep putting them back into the wrong place, so then I have to move them." I say and he turns the water off just in time for me to hear him scoff.

"It makes much more sense to put them on the counter next to the toilet and you know it." He tells me, hand reaching for the clothes. I shake my head.

"You could always go to your own place and use your own towels." I say, smiling at how quickly the door is opened after I speak. "I don't force you to come here, Derek Hale." He runs a hand through his wet hare, momentarily distracting me from the introduction to a regular spat.

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