Leave me breathless

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Hii guys, please check out the author's note at the end. Title inspired by Breathless by The Corrs. 


"Why aren't you dressed?" Stiles asks in a rush as he comes into my room. His eyes scan the bed quickly as he sees my dress and shoes scattered onto the duvet. "We had to leave half an hour ago." He informs me and he ignores the obvious frown on my face as he walks over to the bed to pick up the dress. I groan loudly as I wipe the rest of my makeup off, ignoring the spazzy gestures behind me.

"I'm not going, Stiles." I tell him and he makes no trouble to hide his shock, his mouth opening to protests as he steps towards me, throwing the dress over his shoulder as he touches the back of my chair.

"I don't understand that sentence." He announces and spins my chair in the same breath. "I refuse to understand that sentence, considering the fact that you're the one forcing us to go, so..." He pauses to drape the dress over my knees and smiles encouragingly. "Now, enough of the dramatics, get dressed." I sigh.

"Stiles." I groan and he ignores this, pulling me from the chair and softly pushing me into the bathroom with a stumble.

"Dress and shoes, I'll wait out here." He tells me and I contemplate objecting for a sweet second, but cave instead.

He's right for pushing me to get dressed, because I did in fact force everyone to go tonight. Prom in the middle of a crises seems out of order, but it's the last time we'll all be here together and it's important to make memories, even if only for one night. Although I hadn't realized until now that I'd be going stag among all of my couple friends. And I certainly didn't realize that the one person I want to be here isn't.

"There she is!" Stiles exclaims with a large smile as I emerge from the bathroom. "Shoes." He says as he holds them out for me. I take them, lifting the layers of my dress high enough to slip the heels on and out of the corner of my eyes I can see him stuffing multiple makeup products into his blazer pocket. He smiles when he sees me. "Lydia will help you in the car." He informs me and I have just enough time to grab my clutch and some perfume before he starts pushing me out of the room and towards the jeep.

"You look amazing." Lydia tells me as we reach the jeep. I smile, pushing a curl behind my ear as Stiles opens the back door for us to get in.

"Yeah, you're both gorgeous. Now get in." He rushes and Lydia rolls her eyes before jumping in, with me following suit. "Makeup." Stiles says as he hands us his blazer over the seat, starting the car in the same movement. I smile over at Lydia as she removes everything from the pockets, looking over at Stiles through the mirror every few seconds where his eyes already wait for hers.

It doesn't take long for her to get going. Applying everything in the correct steps, stopping briefly when Stiles gives her the bump warning. I sit still through the process, my mind slipping away from reality as I let her do her job.

"Glossy or Nude?" Lydia asks and I realize we've stilled in front of the school. She holds up two lipgloss tubes for me to choose from and I reach forward to take the glossy one, knowing it'll be much less of a hassle to reapply. "Good choice, we'll wait outside." She tells me, squeezing my hand before getting out of the open door that Stiles holds on to.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now