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For SuicideGoddess .. enjoy


"Marian Stilinski, if you walk out of this house right now I will-" You cut your little brother Stiles of by sticking a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth.

"Stiles you are not my father I will do what I want." You reply and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"When on earth did Peter Hale become part of what you want." You pull your coat over you shoulders and pick your bag up from the floor.

"Probably the same time you started shaving your beard." You state turning your back on Stiles and walking to the door.

"So last week then." You giggle stepping out of the house.

"Goodbye squirt.."


"You really think you're good enough for her Peter ? Marian is a sweet and beautiful girl who deserves a man who treats her right." Derek states inching closer towards his uncle. Peter smiles.

"Ah and you think you'd do better. Little nephew you are barely a man, so let's not place you in the position of Marian's man." Derek almost growls.

"Do you really think I deserve her love, do you think you do ?" Peter sighs. Derek has a point. You truly deserve better. You are kind and selfless, Peter believes you're the complete opposite of him. You're good for him though. You make him better. Derek only has your best wishes at heart. For when you came into the lives of the Hale family you brought along something they thought was long gone, hope.

"Little Derek are you drinking again ?" You ask entering the loft.

"You're early." Derek points out ignoring your comment. You take your coat of and place your bag on the couch.

"I am." Derek and Peter both look at each other both wondering if you heard their conversation. You smile. "Boys take a seat on the couch. " They do as they are told and you take a seat on the coffee table in front of them. "So here's the thing. My brother has shot me all of the warnings about the two of you. However, I like to believe that they do not matter. Derek you are one of my closest friends despite what you are or what you've done and I know without any doubt that you only want what's best for me." You smile shyly looking towards Peter. "But believe if or not Peter is in fact what's best for me. He makes me happy, he truly does and even though Beacon Hills is full of human hotties who has not been dead a few times I would choose your uncle every time. Now the macho crap is very cute but I do believe I'm capable of making my own decisions." Derek smiles.

"If you are happy I am happy." He points out before leaving the room.

"I personally think I'm much more attractive then the human hotties." Peter comments and you giggle.

"I could not agree more love." Peter lifts himself from the couch and leans down in front of you, placing a kiss on your forehead.

"I love you Marian Stilinski." He whispers before lifting you up to wrap his arms around you. You smile.

"I love you more.."

"More than pizza." He asks and you giggle.

"Yes Hale I love you more than I love pizza."

"I think I'm gonna hurl." Stiles comments from the door disgust very clear in his voice.

"Shut it Stilinski." Derek takes the words right out of your mouth as he walks into the room placing the pizza on the coffee table.

"Did you bring it?" You ask taking a seat next to Peter on the couch.

"Yes Marion I brought your precious movie." He says popping it into the DVD player.

"What movie ?" Derek asks taking a seat as well.

"Oh my big sister is making us watch The Notebook, again." Stiles comments.

"Well personally I love the notebook." You giggle at Peter's reply snuggling closer into his chest.

"Yeah well you my friend are whipped." Both Derek and Stiles starts laughing while you hide your laugh by lifting your head slightly and giving Peter a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh ew don't do that when there's food around." Stiles moans as the movie starts.


xoxo.. *M

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