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This one is for neonblue98.


Lily's pov.

"Luke if you change the channel one more time I am gonna.." I trail off looking at Luke still pointing at him. Maybe I should've thought that through. He starts laughing.

"You're gonna turn me into a frog with your magical finger." He jokes only laughing harder this time for his own 'joke'. I role my eyes at him and throw a handful of popcorn at him.

"Not funny." I say holding back my laugh.

Luke takes one look at me before tackling me off of the couch and attacking me with tickles. "Stop- that." I shout gasping for air in between laughs.

"Oh come on sis, where's the fun in that?" He says and we both laugh.

"Luke leave your sister alone." My mom shouts as she walks into the kitchen passed the sitting room where Luke was still busy tickling me.

I throw him off and jump up. Running upstairs I hear my mom shouting for us not to run inside the house. I run into my room but trip over my shoes and fall to the ground. Luke stops at the door. "Lily are you okay." He walks over to me and kneels down in front of me. I smile.

"Better than okay." I mumble causing him to shoot me a confused look.

I grab his arms and pull him down to the carpet. I pin him down but knowing I can't keep him down for long I sit down on his back making it impossible for him to get up. "Lily I am gonna kill you." He mumbles.

"But first you need to get up. Now I will let you go if you say one simple sentence. Say Lily is the best." I smile awaiting his response.

He sighs. "I am not saying that."

"Fine with me. I can sit here all day." I reply with a smirk. He groans.

"Lily.. you are the best." He says sarcastically. "Nope ,try again. Say it like you mean it." But before he could say it again mom walks in. She sighs and shakes her head.

"If the two of you are done acting like five year olds , we are watching a movie downstairs."

Luke and I both plop down on the couch. He wraps his arms around my shoulder as we start watching the movie.


I toss and turn as my eyes open. It was a dream. I gently force myself out of Derek's grip. Getting up slowly I decide to go downstairs.

It's been a while since I dreamed about Luke. After he passed away a year ago things haven't been the same. I guess I am still trying to cope with the fact that I'm never going to see him again. Every time I think I am doing good something happens that reminds me of him and I fall apart all over again.

I walk over to the window after grabbing a glass of water. It's beautiful. The way the silver full moon stands out in the darkness. A light that shines bright into the night. Luke loved nights like this. He would say that the darkness that came with the night hid all his flaws, his imperfections and his scars. He would ramble on and I would listen to every word, taking everything in and loving the way his face would light up as he talks about something he's passionate about.

I miss the rambling, that look on his face. I missed my big brother more than I ever thought it was possible to miss someone. I would give anything to just see his face or hear his voice one more time. I wiped away a few tears that stained my cheeks.

Before I long I was leaning against the window crying into my hands. I didn't know Derek was in the room until I felt his arms wrap around me from behind. It was comforting having him there just holding me. But soon all the sadness and all the tears I've been holding in forced it's way to the surface.

I completely dissolved turning around and Derek tightened his grip holding my shaking body as I cry into his chest. He moved his one hand to my head running his hand through my hair. "Shh Lil. I got you." He whispered into my ear followed by a few more soft whispers to comfort me.

Derek has been here with me through all of this. Luke dying. Me being in total denial about Luke dying. And then the midnight sob sessions that happened more than I would like.

"Want to talk?" He asked not pulling away even a little. He knew that most of the time I didn't want to talk about it or even think about it really but he always asked.

"I just miss him so much Der." I say taking a deep breath.

"I know Lil. I know." He kisses the top of my head.

He never tried to say things like 'he is in a better place' or 'at least he isn't pain' because I knew all of those things and even if it helped a little he knew that I didn't want to hear that. I just needed someone to hold me and let me cry like a two year old until I felt better.

After a while we both pulled away. Derek wiped away the tears that stained my face. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "I love you." He stated a small smile dancing on his lips.

"I love you more." I reply my voice still a little shaky.

"Impossible.." He says kissing me once again making me giggle slightly.

Funny enough that was all I needed to hear. Those simple words were enough to make me forget about all the pain and sadness I felt at least for a while.

"Let's get back to bed okay?" He asks. I yawn while nodding my head. Derek then lifts me up  from my feet and carries me upstairs.

He places me down on the bed and walk around to his side. The bed dips a little as he lays down next to me. I move closer into his embrace. I place my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. The steady sound of his heart beating and the steady movement of his chest as he breathes created a sence of comfort. Being in his arms, as close to him as possible made me feel safe.

"He would've liked you. " I say thinking of all the ways Derek has been there for me over the years. Luke always joked and said that he would only let me date someone that would take care of me the way he did. And I knew without a doubt that Derek is that guy.

"I am sure I would've liked him as well."

"Want me to tell you about him." I ask.

"I would like that a lot." Derek replies with a smile.

We spent the rest of the night talking about Luke. Simple things like our childhood and his reaction towards my first boyfriend and I told him a bunch of funny family stories.

For the first time in a long time it didn't hurt to talk about him or think of him.

After a while we both fell asleep in each others arms. Talking about Luke really helped. It was like all the sadness of him being gone was replaced with the joy of knowing that I will forever have the amazing memories of him.

And I wanted to make new memories with Derek. Full of laughs and adventures and more than anything.



xoxo.. *M

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