Little crush

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You walk through the high school looking for Stiles and the other's. You were pointlessly wandering around the halls peeking into classroom when a voice spoke up from behind you. 

"You lost?" You turned around to see a tall dark haired guy with beautiful emerald green eyes leaning against the lockers.

"Is it that obvious?" You flashed him a shy smile.

He returned the smile"I am Derek by the way" He stepped away from the locker and started walking towards you.

"You know I thought you looked familiar. I think my brother has a photo of you two on his night stand. It is in this cute heart shaped photo frame.." You laugh.

"Wait you're  little Stilinski." It was odd to hear a little disappointment in his voice.

"Hmm that would be me. " You gave him a cute smile.

"But you are so beautiful and Stiles is so.. well Stiles." Was it normal to only notice the fact that he called you beautiful ?

"Y/n !" You could hear your brother shout your name from behind you. The minute he finishes speaking you rushed into his arms. He pulled away putting his hands on your shoulders. "Look at my baby sister all grown up. You are so-"

"Hot.." You and Stiles both turned around to see who said that.


You walked towards the cute blond who was flashing you an extremely cute smile. He wrapped his arms around your waist and spun you around before slowly setting you down. You giggled. Theo has always been a flirt but he was different with you. He would never miss an opportunity to flirt with you but there has always been something more.

"You know Raken, I think it is cute that after years your still attempting to flirt with me. I mean it's sad but it's cute." You gave him a cheeky smile while playfully pushing his shoulder.

"Hmm I wasn't flirting I was simply stating a fact." Stiles scoffs at Theo's response.

"Wait how did you even now it was y/n." In the mean time Scott has joined the conversation.

"Well y/n, you might have changed your hair color and your style but I could recognize that cute little butt of yours anywhere.."

Everybody started laughing. You looked around and noticed Derek exiting the school. You smiled at Theo before running after him.

"Derek stop.." You shouted when he was about to get in his car. He turned to you and smiled at you. Hands resting on your knees and completely out of breath you waited a second to speak.

"You're leaving.." You asked when your breathing was steady.

"I got bored.." he answered fiddling with his car keys.

"Really I mean Theo's flirting isn't that bad." You tilt your head and smile while waiting for Derek to reply.

"It wasn't his flirting it was who he was flirting with."

After that day you and Derek became really close but so did you and Theo.


A little way down the road.

Three years later. Your wedding day.

You stare into the mirror while slipping on your shoes. The subtle reflection causes you to stand still and take in everything you see.  Your simple off white dress fell to your feet. A little tighter around your waist. And your hair was in a cute up-do.Your mother earrings hung from your ears.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now