My heart

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For neonblue98 ,enjoy Lil, I hope you like it.


Derek pov.

I turn the corner and take a left into the school parking lot where Lily is waiting for me to pick her up. I park the car in my usual space. I wait for a while and then I see her over at the jeep, she is talking to Aiden. Not just talking though in fact it kind of looks like he is flirting with her. She is laughing at something he said. I must have missed the joke.

It does not bother me that they're talking. I know that Lily and Aiden have become real good friends after he saved her from one of Deucalion's attacks. What bothers me is the tight grip she has on his arm. Using my wolf hearing I listen in on their conversation. Lily's sweet voice is the first thing I hear.

"Aiden I would not recommend that, Derek would probably kill us both and I don't know about you but I would like to finish high school.'' He laughs and then she looks over to where I am standing and waves excitedly. She says her goodbyes and kisses Aiden on the cheek before running over to the car.

" Hey Der, I missed you today." She beams getting into the car. Instead of answering I fake a smile and start the car. The car ride was pretty much the same as always, Lily would tell me about her day and usually I would smile and listen peacefully as she talked but I can't focus on her words.

Was he flirting with her at the school and if he was why didn't she say anything to stop him? Or maybe she did not do anything because she liked it, maybe she was flirting back. What if I am not good enough for her anymore ?

Aiden is a lot like the guy I was when I first met Lily. He is tough and sarcastic and flirts with her every chance he gets. I used to be like that but when we started dating I changed. I wanted her to feel loved and respected, I didn't want her to be just another girl that I date for a while before moving on to the next. I wanted to let someone in for the first time.

All these stupid questions are messing with my head, I mean Lily would never do anything like that. She knows how hard it was for me to trust someone, so she wouldn't just throw that away.

"Derek honey are you okay ?" Lily's voice brings me back to reality. I look over at her and she is looking at me with a worried expression. And then I realize something. I love this girl more than I thought I would ever be able to love someone and it would kill me if I lost her. But would it hurt her as much as it would hurt me. "Derek." I feel her hand on my shoulder and flinch away.

" I am fine." I pull into her driveway and unlock the door for her to get out. " Look Lily I won't be able to pick you up tomorrow so you are going to have to find your own way home, okay ?" She looks at me for a second and then sighs looking at the door.

" You are upset about something. You always do this when you are angry, you shut me out and start acting cold. It is okay though. Whatever it is I know it will be okay and eventually you will talk to me and tell me what is eating at you and when you are ready to do that, I am going to be here." She looks at me and I know she is expecting an answer but I just can not seem to form words. "Okay Derek just uh, just don't do something stupid while I am not around okay." She moves her hand over my cheek and kisses my forehead before getting out of the car.


Lily's pov.

I sigh sitting down at the table and placing my tray in front of me. Everyone at the table looks at me and I sigh once again. "Still nothing ?" Scott asks and I shake my head.

It has been two days and Derek hasn't said a single word to me. It is not fair. I have accepted the fact that Derek is probably angry at me, but instead of talking to me he is moping around at the loft not answering my calls and ignoring my texts. It is very annoying.

"Maybe he lost his phone." Liam points out and I smile at his attempt to cheer me up. "And his keys and his voice and maybe he has a huge zit and doesn't want you to see it." He adds and I lean over the table messing up his hair.

"Yeah or maybe he is jealous of a certain alpha twin." Isaac mumbles and I almost didn't hear him.

"Uh I need to return my library books." Scott stands up from the table.

"I am going to help him." Liam points out before walking off with Scott.

I look over at Isaac who has gone back to reading his magazine while eating a chocolate bar. "Hey scarf boy do you happen to know why my boyfriend is avoiding me?" I ask and Isaac looks up from the pages.

"Well I might have a theory." He closes the magazine and shoves the last piece of his sweet in his mouth. "I don't know if this dawned upon you yet but you are pretty much all Derek has. The simple thought of losing you freaks him out. So the other day when he came to pick you up he saw you taking to Aiden. Aiden being his friendly self, seemed to be flirting and then he saw your hand on his arm and it looked like you were flirting back. He is not angry at you Lil, he is scared you are going to replace him." I sigh. Why didn't I think of that. He thinks he is going to lose me too. At that precise moment I realized something. Without planning it, I hurt him and hurting him hurt me.

I push my tray forward and grab my bag standing up from the table. "Isaac I –"

" Go ahead, I will tell miss Ross you have a doctors appointment." I smile.

"Thank you Izzy, I owe you."


I walk over to the door of the loft. My hand reaches for the door handle but I pull away at the last minute. Derek never stays at the loft when somethings bothering him, he is probably at the abandoned trailer park where he trained Isaac and the other betas. I turn around to walk over to my car when the sound of glass shattering echoes from the loft.

I run over to the loft swinging the door open as I burst into the room. Derek stands in the middle of the room looking towards the wall his hands turned into fists by his sides. The shattered pieces of glass surrounding him. I am not sure if he knows I am here since he doesn't move an inch and neither do I. I finally convince myself to walk over to him when I hear him speak.

"Are you angry at me?" He asks not turning around.

" Why would I be angry at you Der?" I walk a few steps closer to him.

"Because I didn't trust you, you are my girlfriend, I love you and I am suppose to trust you." I walk the last few steps over to him standing still behind him.

"I love you Derek, no one can change that. Aiden is my friend and yes he is always flirting with me but it doesn't mean anything. The entire time we were talking all I could think about was seeing you. Derek I know this is hard for you, opening up to me but you have to know that you can trust me." I place my hand on his back and he doesn't pull away this time. "Look at me." I gently pull his shoulder turning him to face me. I reach down and lift his hand up placing it on my chest. "You feel that Der, my heart beats for you and only you." He smiles down at me before pulling me into his arms. I do the same wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I hate that I was so scared to lose you that my actions almost pushed you away." I smile and kiss his chest.

"Derek I hate to break it to you but you are not getting rid of me that easily okay, you are not losing anyone else this year. I promise."


xoxo. M

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