Bad boy

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I figured after the previous imagine you guys might need something a little less sad so I hope you guys like this one.. This one is for neonblue98 enjoy.


'Come outside I have a surprise for you.' Your phone vibrates on your desk as the text from Derek comes through. You check the screen and smile to yourself as you read the text.

'Derek I'm in math class.' you reply quickly not wanting to be caught by the teacher. 'You don't need math class Mrs. Einstein, now please come outside.' Derek replies and you smile looking at the screen.

'Fine..' You put your phone in your jacket pocket.

Raising your hand and clearing your throat you try to get the teacher's attention . She looks up from the papers on her desk and looks directly at you. "Lily do you have a question about the work ?" She asks with a smile.

"Actually miss I was wondering if I could be excused." She smiles again.

"Of course Lily." She says without asking any questions. You grab your books and your bag and exit the class.

Walking down the empty hallway you exit through the big doors that lead to the parking lot. In the middle of the parking lot there is this empty space well not really empty. Derek looks very comfortable sitting on his black motorcycle.

"How's my girl?" He asks with a smirk when you stop in front of him.

"Confused.." Derek's smirk turns into a cute smile.

"What do you say Lily? Want to go for a ride?" he asks gesturing to the motorcycle.

You look at the motorcycle and then back at him. "On that? Derek do you know how many people die in motorcycle accidents per year? A lot Derek, a lot of people die.." You fold your arms with your books pushed against your chest.

Derek smiles. "Lily do you know how many people per year have fun while riding a motorcycle? A lot Lily, a lot of people.." He replies copying you.

You bite your lip. Derek picks up the helmet and sticks his arm out offering it to you. You don't take it. Derek steps closer to you and easily takes the books out of your hands and puts them down on the cement. He moves a stray hair out of your face and behind your ear. You giggle lightly as he places the helmet on your head.

"Okay miss, then I'm simply gonna have to kidnap you.." Derek states playfully. You giggle once again.

"I can think of worse people to be kidnapped by. Besides you'll probably bring me back like five seconds after we leave, I'm a very annoying girl.." He throws his head back as a laugh escapes his lips.

" He throws his head back as a laugh escapes his lips

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"You are unbelievably cute. You know that?" He leans forward and kisses your nose which makes you giggle.

"So mister what's you're plan, cause if we stay here any longer we might get caught."

"Well first we're going to get on this bike and make as much noise as possible and the rest my love is a surprise." He replies.

Derek gets on the bike and you get on as well wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. The engine growls loudly and then the two of you take off. The wind blows through your hair as you and Derek speed over the highway.

After a short drive Derek pulls up in front of an old abandoned building.  He turns the motorcycle off and then gets off of the bike. You take the helmet of and attempt to fix your hair. Derek helps you off of the bike. "Where are we?" You question looking at the building. Derek smiles.

"You'll see.." He replies with a wink.

He takes your hand and leads you towards the building. He pushes open the doors. "Ladies first." He says and you walk in with him behind you. Your jaw drops when you enter the building.

The room is pretty dark but from what you can see it looks like an old theater. You stop to look at the stage. There is a small table with two chairs in the middle. On the table there are two lanterns and a vase with one red rose.

You turn around to look at Derek but being lost for words you just smile at him and he returns the smile of course. "Come on." He says taking your hand and then he leads you through the empty theater. He leads you up the stairs and to the middle of the stage where he pulls out the chair for you to sit and then pushes it forward once you do. He sits down himself.

He removes the rose from the vase and takes the vase off of the table placing it on the floor. And then he hands the rose over to you. On the rose there is a note tied up to the stem with a ribbon. You undo the ribbon and unfold the note while still keeping the rose in your one hand.

'My dearest Lily..

You know how much I hate those cheesy type of guys.

But it comes from my heart when I say I'll love you until the day this rose dies.. '

You look up from the note and examine the rose a little more carefully and that's when you realize that it's not a real rose. A smile creeps upon your lips when you look at Derek. "I love you so much.." You say softly standing up and walking to the other side of the table.

Derek pulls you into his lap and wraps his arms tightly around your waist before leaning forward and connecting your lips. "And I love you.."Then music starts to fill the theater.

Derek lifts you up and gently pulls you away from the table to a open space on the stage. The he places his hands on your hips and you wrap your arms around his neck as he gently pulls you closer and you rest your head against his chest.

"You know Der for the town bad boy you sure can be extremely sweet." The two of you slowly move to the rhythm of the song.

"What can I say love, you're making me go soft." He kisses the top of you head. You lift your head back a little to look at him.

"But we can keep the bike right ?" You ask. He chuckles lightly.

"Yeah Lil we can keep the bike."

The two of you danced for a long time. By the time you finally left the theater it was already dark outside. Derek drove you home and kissed you goodnight and then he took off. You walked into your house practically swooning. Not only was that the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you but it came from the sweetest guy. Derek is your bad boy and you love him with your entire heart and he loves you.


Song that played was 'Angels' by Robbie Williams..


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