Mrs. Hoechlin

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Last Tyler imagine guys..


You are one of the new characters on teen wolf. You play Derek's girlfriend in season six when he finally returns from Mexico. It was kinda ironic since you and Tyler have been dating since before Teen Wolf even started. You were really nervous. This was going to be your first Comic Con.

Tyler told you that there was no reason to be nervous since everybody already loves you. The cast thinks you are amazing and they loved the way Tyler acts when he is around you. You make him happy and he makes you happy. It is all very typical and kind of sounds like the start of a fanfiction.

Your pov.

I almost jump out of bed when the alarm on my bed stand goes off. I roll to the side of the bed to turn it off and then I turn back to Tyler. He is still fast asleep.

I smile and scooch over to him. I lean in slowly and attach my lips to his in a sweet kiss. I smile into the kiss as I feel Tyler's arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer.

"Morning babe." He mumbles against my lips.

"Morning Ty.." I mumble back. We both pulled away and Tyler wrapped his arms around me as I rested my head on his chest.

We just laid there in the silence with Tyler kissing my neck every now and then. "I love you y/n" Tyler mumbled out of the blue. I giggled.

"I love you too Tyler but we still need to get out of bed." He pulled away a little so he could look at me.

"Wait how did you know what I was gonna ask." I weezled myself out of Tyler's arms and sat up. I looked down at him.

"Cause I know you. Now get your butt in the shower, we are gonna be late." I pecked his lips and stood up.

I went to get my clothes from the closet. I heard the shower being turned on. I grabbed my dress and changed . It was this cute white lace dress. It was comfy and simple but at the same time it was very elegant.

After putting on my dress and doing my hair I went to the miniature kitchen to make Tyler some coffee

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After putting on my dress and doing my hair I went to the miniature kitchen to make Tyler some coffee. I turned the radio on and 'teenage dirt bag' by Weatus was playing. So I started singing along and dancing to the beat. I didn't know Tyler was out of the shower until he placed his hands on my waist and kissed the back of my head. I giggled.

"How much of that did you see." I turned around to face those amazing amber green eyes.

"Pretty much all of it." He chuckled. "I love you." He mumbled before attaching our lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his grip on my waist tightened.

"Hey guy are you rea-. Oh um, sorry I guess I should've knocked." Dylan mumbled as he turned around to leave. I kissed Tyler one more time and then pulled away. "What's up Dylan." I shouted making him turn around. He smiled.

"Well first of all you look amazing." I giggled "And then secondly Jeff wanted to take everyone for breakfast before we left." I looked at Tyler and he nodded to say we should go.

"Sounds great. Meet you guys outside in 5 minutes." Dylan smiled and then he left.

Tyler and I got ready and then we headed outside. Everyone was already waiting so we all decided where we wanted to go for breakfast. It was Cody and O'Brien's turn to pick where we went. So we ended up going to McDonalds. Yum.


We were backstage and the guy was introducing everybody one by one. Tyler and I were almost up and despite endless reasurement I was still really nervous. Although , I think I was hiding it pretty well.

"Y/n calm down you will be fine." Tyler whispered wrapping his arms around me. Okay maybe I wasn't hiding it that well. "And if you say something stupid I will cover it up by saying something even more stupid. I promise." Tyler's name got called out before I could reply.

He ran out and sat down. And then my name was called out as well. I walked out and waved at the group of girls in front that shouted my name. I sat down next to Tyler where my names was embroider on the chair. He smiled at me and placed his hand on my thigh.

We answered a lot of questions from the fans. Some of them were really good and some of them were a little random but all and all it was really fun. It was getting pretty late and we only had time for one last question.

This girl stood up and they handed her a microphone. She was pretty short,  had blond hair and wore thick rim glasses. She smiled before taking the microphone. "Hey um my name in Izzy so this question is for everyone but it is about y/n" I smiled.

"Okay Izzy shoot." Holland answered.

"Okay so if you guys could describe y/n in four or less words what words would you use." Izzy smiled giving the microphone back and then everyone gave their words. Which ranked from very smart to bad dancer and in the end only Tyler remained.

"Okay Tyler what words would you use to describe you girlfriend." Holland asked.

He looked at me and smiled. "Mrs. Hoechlin.." My head snapped towards him and his smile hasn't faded. He then pushed away his chair and got down on one knee.

"Y/n you are the most amazing girl I have ever had the honor of meeting. I knew since the first day I met you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. And I still do. So y/n y/l/n will you make me a very happy man and be my wife."

I looked at Tyler as he pulled out a small black velvet box. He opened it revealing a beautiful ring. I looked away from the ring and then back at Tyler who was still on one knee. I stood up from the chair and kissed his forehead. Earning a lot of "awww's" from the crowd.

"I'd love to." He smiled. He then pulled me down onto his knee and smashed his lips to mine.


xoxo..  *M

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