So much for keeping my secret

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This one is for tobysbae5.


Derek and Isaac are at the loft working out when Derek's phone starts to vibrate. He smiles when he sees that it is a text from you.

'Hey wolfboy my day has been anything but exciting..😞

Pizza and a movie tonight and I am not taking no for an answer..

See you at 7.. 😸😊 '

He smiles down at his phone. "What are you smiling about." Isaac asks as he gets up from the floor where he was doing push- ups. He walks over to Derek.

"Nothing." Derek answers bluntly putting the phone down on the table. Isaac shrugs.

"Okay. So can I ask you something."Derek nods and mumbled sure as he starts doing pull ups from the metal bar in the door frame.

"How long have you had a thing for Lily?" Derek stops what he is doing and jumps down.

"What are you talking about?" Isaac chuckles.

"Oh come on Derek everyone sees the way you look at her. Or the way your face lights up when someone talks about her. It seems to be obvious for everyone except her."

Derek sighed. The truth is he has had a crush on you for a while now. I know what you are thinking. This is Derek Hale we're talking about. He can get any girl he wants without even trying. But it's different with you. He really likes you and every time he gets close to asking you out he gets nervous and then he doesn't do it.

You were completely oblivious to the fact. You and Derek are really close but you never knew he wanted to be anything more than friends.

"I don't have a thing for Lily okay. Were just friends and I guess that is all we will ever be." Isaac was about to say something when Derek interrupted him. "Let it go okay Isaac. If you tell her I swear I will-"

" Rip my throat out with you teeth.." Isaac joked.

"Hmm that's funny.. think it's gonna be funny when you're dead." Derek gave Isaac a threatening look.


Later that day.

Isaac is your best friend so the two of you basically do everything together. You decided to stop at the mall before going to Derek's place. Seeing that he was bored, Isaac decided to tag along.

"So how was training with Derek?" You shouted from the dressing room. You were trying on dresses for your cousins wedding and Isaac was sitting on the chair playing zombie tsunami on your phone.

"The same as always." He replied. You stepped out of the dressing room to show Isaac the dress. He said it looked great even though he didn't even lift his head to look at you. You walked back into the dressing room and tried on another dress.

"Hey Isaac can I ask you something? " You ask softly.

"Yeah Lily what's up." You zipped up the dress you were trying on but you didn't like it so you changed into something else.

"Do you think Derek likes me.."

"Lily you are like his closest friend of course he likes you." You sigh.

"Isaac that is not what I mean and you know it. I mean does he you know, like me like me?" Isaac chuckles.

"Oh you mean since you have a crush on him you want to know if he likes you in that way too."

"Exactly." You say stepping out of the dressing room. You didn't like any of the dresses so you just changed into your clothes. You sat down next to Isaac. "So." He smiled

"Lily he likes you a lot. Possibly more than you like him. He is just really bad at expressing his feelings."


You jump out of your car and grab the pizza and the movies on your way out. You were nervous. You and Derek spend almost all of your time together and until now you have been able to hide the fact that you had a crush on him pretty well.

You unlock the door with the key for the loft you kept on your necklace. You walk in and put the pizza on the counter. "Derek.." You shouted while taking off your shoes.

"Derek.." you shout again walking around the loft. Then you hear the door of the loft open and you hear Derek's and Isaac's voices.

"Come on Derek you can't be mad, I mean she asked me. If you think about I actually made this easier for you. Now you know that she likes you too." Derek smiled and turned to Isaac. "She does.." he asks innocently.

"Yeah she does.." You say as you walk into the room.

"Isaac I think you should go.." Derek says giving you a cheeky smile. Isaac chuckled and left the loft. 

"So uh pizza and a movie." You asked trying to break the silence. Derek smiled.

"You can't say no to pizza.."

After Derek put the movie on the two of you plopped down on the sofa

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After Derek put the movie on the two of you plopped down on the sofa. It was about half way through the movie when the cold breeze from the open windows starting bothering you. You brought your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around you legs.

"Are you cold.." Derek asked.

"No." You lied.

"No.." Derek asked lifting an eyebrow.

"Yeah.." You answered looking away from him and back at the TV. He smiled.

"Come over here silly." He said pulling you in to his embrace. You rested your head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around you and took your hands in his free hand. "Lily can I ask you something.."Derek asked.

"Shoot.." Derek paused the movie and you lifted your head up slightly to look at him.

"Lily I like you a lot. This is weird for me I don't really do the whole dating thing and I am probably gonna mess this up but-"

"Derek are you asking me out.." You interrupted. He shyly looked down at the floor causing you to smile.

You moved even closer to him and kissed his cheek which made his head shoot up. He looked at you with those dreamy eyes and your heart melted.

"I would love to."



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