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Chace Crawford as Louis


"Stiles I said no, so could you just let it go." You sigh as you walk over to the table where you and the rest of the pack sits at lunch with Stiles right on your heels.

Derek left town a few months ago and it has become pretty clear to everyone that he is not planning on coming back any time soon. Well for everyone except you. You're trying to stay positive.

Everyone has excepted the fact that they might never see the big bad sourwolf again. But it was hard for you. You and Derek have always been close more so than the rest of the pack. Only in a best friend kind of way of course.

But then again the way Derek's sudden disappearance has hurt you sure doesn't feel like losing a friend..

Okay so back to Stiles. He has been nagging you for weeks to give him the spare key for Derek's loft. Derek gave you the key to make sure that you always had a safe place to run to when he wasn't there to protect you. You were also the only other person who knew the pass code for the alarm.

Stiles wants to throw a big party for Kira, to say goodbye. Even if the sentiment behind the idea was really sweet it was also an extremely bad idea to go anywhere near the loft without Derek's permission.

"Oh come on y/n/n don't be such a goody goody, just give me the key and we can throw a  smashing party with girls and booze and extremely cute girls and a lot of boys too." He says elbowing you slightly at the mention of boys. You roll your eyes and sit down at the table.

"Hey guys." You say setting your lunch tray down on the table. Everybody looks up and smile replying with a few simple hey's as well.

Y/n please give me the key?" Stiles asks again in a whisper since Kira is sitting at the table too, talking to Scott.

"Stilinski ask me one more time and I am going to lose it. I am not giving you the damn key. Now let it go." You reply with your voice a little louder than intended. Stiles and everyone else at the table looks at you with confused faces.

You sigh. Maybe there was more to this. Maybe you didn't want to give Stiles the key because it was the only thing you had left that belonged to Derek. This is so much more complicated than it should be.

Derek left you right? No warning and no explanation. He just left you. All alone. Forget the fact that you might be in love with him or well something like that anyway. He was suppose to be your friend. Friends don't just leave friends.

Your hand travels over the silver necklace hanging around your neck. The key for Derek's loft hanging at the bottom. You look back at the others who went back to doing their own thing. Then you take off the necklace and look at it one more time before placing it down on the table in front of Stiles.

He takes the key and then looks at you with a goofy grin on his face. You smile. "Save me a dance okay."


You're in your room getting ready for the party. At first you didn't really want to go but knowing Stiles, things were probably gonna get out of hand really fast and you were going to have to fix it in the end. So instead of waiting at home for him to call you thought it would be easier to just go to the party and have some fun in the process.

You walked over to your closet and sighed loudly knowing you were probably not going to find anything good in there anyway. But then something caught your eye, an old jean jacket that you haven't worn in a long time. It was this light blue jean jacket with patches of darker blue. It would actually be pretty easy to find some clothes to match it. You thought taking the jacket off of the hanger and walking over to your dresser.

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