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Derek wasn't sure if the happy smile on your face was because of him or because of the brown paper bag and ice cream cup in his hand but he was happy seeing it either way. When you'd called to cancel your dinner date because of your period you didn't know how he'd take it, which was silly to be fair because he'd been nothing but a perfect gentleman, taking every chance to remind you how grateful he was that you'd given him a chance. You were just grateful to see this side of him, you'd seen good behind that tough shell and it was so exciting seeing the good taking over.

"Baby," you crooned, making grabby hands in his direction, not doing much to ease his confusion but he quickened his pace still, didn't want to keep you waiting. "You came all the way here," you pouted and when you took his face in your hands instead of the ice cream his insides went wild. You kissed his lips quickly and when you took note of the Oreo McFlurry in his right hand you kissed the tip of his nose as well, tightening your hold around his cheeks. "And you brought me snacks too, you're the best."

"Hardly," he argued and he wouldn't dare be embarrassed by the way his cheeks tinted red and heated up right under your touch, stealing a kiss of his own before you let go of him, careful when he placed everything on the bed next to you, even more careful when you pulled him down to sit in front of you, eyes all dreamy to perfectly match yours. "I also put some pain meds in the bag, the lady at the drugstore said it works for periods but I got a backup just in case, called your friend Lydia and she told me what worked for her so I got that just to be safe," you were already two bites into your McFlurry so you couldn't reply immediately so you hoped reaching out to take his hand was enough to begin with.

"You didn't need to do all of that, Der, I just called so you wouldn't worry," his hand around yours felt like heaven, comfort you craved for more than you realized, you were torn between finishing the food he brought you and taking a nap in his arms- you wished there was a way to do both. "Thank you," you added, he was being so sweet, you wanted him to know how much it meant to you. "No one has ever done something like this to me."

"Well, that just means no one has loved you as much as I love you," he said it so casually, like a thought he'd had before had somehow made its way out, but he didn't even react to it, didn't even notice, just stole one of your fries and offered closed mouth smile while he brushed a cookie crumb from your chin.

"I think you're right," you admitted and offered him a spoon scooped high, and when you leaned forward to dip it into his mouth your heart soared. "In fact, I think that I love you just enough to share the rest of my cup with you," you hoped it sounded as casual from your lips as it did from his. 

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now