Don't let go

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Talia survived fire and Derek's father is named Arthur.


You were in the passenger seat of Derek's car singing along with radio. You and Derek were on your way to The Hamptons. This was going to be your first vacation together as a couple.

You hated the beach. Your dad and your big sister drowned in the ocean when you were little. Your sister got pulled in by a wave and the water was too rough for her to swim. Your dad went after her but got knocked over by a large wave as soon as he reached her. He couldn't find his way back out of the water and your sister was gasping for air. The lifeguard finally made his way to them but he was to late.

They were gone.

Since then you have been afraid to go in the ocean like at all. But Derek wanted to take you to his parents beach house so they could get to know you better and even if you dreaded the thought of going to the beach this meant a lot to him and well he meant a lot to you. So beach it is.


The car came to a slow stop in front of the beach house. It was pretty late so you couldn't see much but what you could see was beautiful. The porch itself was bigger than your apartment.

Derek walked around the front of the car to open your door

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Derek walked around the front of the car to open your door. He offered you his hand to help you out. After closing the door he wrapped his arms around your waist as you were admiring the view. Even if you hated the beach there was no denying the fact that it was really beautiful.

Derek spun you around and kissed you. "So what do you say babe, want to go for a midnight swim before my parents get here?" Derek asked before kissing you again.

"Why not.." You answered softly. You hoped he didn't notice the nervousness in your voice.

After putting on your swimsuits you and Derek made your way down to the beach. Your hand was in his. He made this cheesy joke that made you laugh like an idiot. He picked you up and carried you to the water, which was unnecessary but very cute. He set you down just as a big wave came crushing down on you.

You quickly jumped back into his arms wrapping your legs around his waist and throwing your arms around his neck. " Don't let go.." You whispered when Derek placed his hands on your back.

He chuckled pulling you away from him just enough to see your face. "Okay princess I won't.. But you have to do something for me." He said a cheeky smirk appearing on his face. You gave him a confused look.

"What do you want Hale.."

"Marry me.." The seriousness in his voice was audible and as expected you were left speechless.

"W- what.."  You said when you could finally trust your voice. You moved your hands to his shoulders.

"Y/n I am so uncontrollably in love with you and I have been since the first time I saw you. I honestly can't imagine my life without you. I wanna grow old with you. I want to have two beautiful kids with you. I want to wake up to that extremely gorgeous face every day for the rest of my life. You are the one I want to be with till the day I die. So,  what do you say ? You want to get married.." His face was changed by a goofy grin.  Your legs still tightly wrapped around his waist and his hands still softly resting on your back.

You giggled before once again wrapping your arms around his neck.  This was a big question and yet the answer was simple. You love him after all.

"Yeah, I want to get married.." His smile grew even larger if that was even possible. Just then another big wave came crashing down on Derek's legs and splashing you slightly.

"Don't let go.." You worriedly glanced at him but his eyes held a sweet emotion.

"Never.." He whispered pulling you in for a kiss.

The sound of someone clearing their throat made you jump out of Derek's arms. Talia and Arthur both laughed as Derek took your hand and lead you out of water.

He let go of your hand when you were safe on the sand. He hugged his dad and his mom. Arthur turned to you.

"Y/n nice to see you again.." You stepped closer giving him a hug.

"Mr. Hale it is always nice to see you.." You pulled away from his fatherly grip.

Derek kissed your cheek and put his one arm around your waist. Arthur smiled st Talia and then looked at the two of you.

"Well doll judging by those smiles plastered on your faces maybe you should start calling me dad.."


xoxo.. *M

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