Little love

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"Careful," You hissed softly, Derek's face filling with guilt as he continued to lead you into the loft, hands holding you up carefully with one hand around your waist and the other gripping onto your arm lightly.

"I'm sorry," He replied quickly, eyes raking your body once again to determine all the places you were hurt.

You had taken a tumble down the stairs that led up to his loft and Derek, being the obsessively protective boyfriend that he is, had decided to treat the little accident like the end of the world. He heard your scream just a little too late and found you balled up on the ground. From what he could tell, there weren't obvious wounds that would need you to go to the hospital, but the places where the concrete had scraped your body were clearly making you feel a lot of pain.

"I'm okay, Derek, really," you told him, smiling lightly as he gently guided you down onto the couch cushions, not missing the little grimace the action caused, you other hand grabbing his when your wounded elbow touched the back of the couch, he raised brows.

"Yes, you seem perfectly fine," He noted, and you watched his eyes fill with concern as he once again embarked on his search to pinpoint your bruises, he was unnecessarily worried as he did this, not used to seeing you hurt. You squirmed under his gaze, taking the hand you were holding and bringing it onto your lap to gain his attention.

"They're just a few scrapes and cuts, my love," He lifted his eyes to yours as you spoke, tilting his head. "Just get me a wet rag, some bandages and maybe, if you have it, some sort of ointment so they don't get infected," You commanded lightly and the man gave you a quick nod, releasing your hand before he rushed to the bathroom.

"I bought everything when we started dating," He explained, hands holding onto a first aid kit and a rag as he made his way towards you, the idea behind the gesture making you smile. "I knew we would need it someday with you being such a clumsy little thing," He commented, smiling as well when you delivered a light slap to his arm.

He ignored the little gesture as he carefully started rolling up your sleeves, nimbly dabbing the bruised skin with the wet rag, allowing you to grip onto his shoulder as he knelt in front of you. He continued the process thoroughly, lifting up pieces of clothing and double checking everything, slightly relieved that there weren't as many places to work with as he'd thought and you simply sat back and allowed him to nurse you, grimacing every now and then when the rag came into contact with your wounded body, but trusting Derek to do what he does.

Derek hummed softly, subconsciously, as he started applying the bandages where needed, leaning forward to place a kiss over them when they stuck, and the smile hadn't left your lips for even a second. Derek being so soft and careful, mixing with him looking undoubtedly adorable as he was concentrated on completing the task at hand, had made you a swooning mess.

"I think I got them all," He announced in a mumbled voice, looking down as he placed the unused bandages back into the kit, smiling at you quickly before moving to get up.

"No," You objected when he was about to walk away. "I want to cuddle, please," You explained with large eyes, the little demand earning an amused grin from you boyfriend's lips.

"I need to put these away first, yeah?" He watched a small pout envelop your lips, instantly understanding that he wasn't going to go anywhere right this minute. "Okay, bug," He mused as he placed everything on the floor, carefully sitting down next to you and waiting for you to move towards him instead, scared to hurt you by pulling you onto him. "Comfy?" He asked after you've settled yourself in his lap, guiding his arms to wrap around you. You nodded eagerly, leaning into his chest as he brought a hand to your thigh, watching you with the same level of intense interest as you were watching him.

"I love you," You offered softly, fingers delicately moving over his facial features, keeping a feather light touch as you stilled your pointer finger on his lips. "You're my world, Derek Hale," He smiled at the declaration, lightly kissing the finger you're holding to his lips, eyes watching carefully as you move said hand to the back of his neck.

"And you are mine," He nodded as if to confirm the statement, leaning his head against yours. "My world, my stars, my constellations," You giggled as he paused. "You are everything I could ask for and more, my little love."


This is so much shorter than anything I usually write, but it was requested over Tumblr and I though maybe you loves would like to see some soft Derek as well, it has been a while since I wrote in 2nd person tbh- hope you enjoyed it and keep an eye out for remaining requests coming soon !!

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