Midnight dancer.

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vveneer A reader from the start, still making me smile with her comments and messages. I hope you like it sweety..  xx

Ohh and for a little extra you guys could listen to "Harlem" by New politics..



Alcohol. College kids. Loud music.

Sounds like torture.

So it's my first year at Harvard university and it's become clear that I don't do the whole party scene very well. Which isn't a surprise at all but I tried to be optimistic.

The weekly frat bash is at Poisons' house and yes Poison is actually his name. Everyone is going to be there and despite myself I decided to swing by as well.

I know what you're thinking. What is a socially awkward girl going to do at a party like that ? Well I'm going to find a bottle of anything and than sneak it back into my dorm room.

I came to Harvard to escape. Escape the people I've hurt. The friends I've lost. But when his toned and excellently carved frame walked into the chaos ridden room. I realized in a house with ten bedrooms, I had no where to run.


He walks away from the hordes  of frat boys waiting to be greeted and instead he makes an a line towards me. I'm standing on the staircase surrounded by so many people that I could lose myself. My feet are balanced between cracked wood and spilled puke and it takes a second for instinct to kick in before  I run.

Finding myself in a room smelling like smoke and something I wouldn't like to think of, I stare at the closed door. Picking the first room wasn't my best decision but it gave me time. Time to center my thoughts.

Not today. Of all the people I could've find and of all the days.

When I came here I was sure I'd walk in to him. With my luck I thought he'd be the first person I would see. Instead I met the new him through the whispers. The constant voices of unknown tales. This guy I've seen driving past my house for five years had turned into this hero like figure that made me stumble and startled.

He knew more of me than I'd like to admit and that's what I hated. I screwed everything up with everyone and despite me pushing Scott and Stiles away, in my mess of a life I draw him in. I made him this sense of hope and trust that I'd share my worst fears with. And now-right here- he's that fear.

The door opens and it's like a split second of me waiting for my heart to beat again. He doesn't say anything and I'm sort of grateful for that. For him letting me process his appearance first.

I never noticed it. The way his body reflects confidence. Or the way his face shows a whirlwind of emotions while maintaining the perfect contrast of hot and innocent. He is wearing a grey shirt with Harvard printed in red and the short sleeves are showing all kinds of muscles.

"Lia." Ugh. It's the voice. The voice that breaks me and then rebuilds me. The voice of a boy turned man and a friend turned crush. The voice that convinced me to talk. To feel. The voice that made him my anchor in this tsunami of a life.

I can't even help it. The way it feels when he looks at me and the way his presence breaks open the box of feelings shoved down so deep .

When he touches me I crash.


"Why is it that every time we talk I end up crying." He sits down on the bed next to me.

"Why is it that I only see you when you're broken."

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now