Pick me, Choose me, Love me

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You ran out of Scott's house trying to get away from Derek. You two broke up a few days ago so when Scott called you and asked you to come to his place to discuss the plan on how to save Stiles you really didn't expect to see Derek..

Your little brother Stiles was currently possessed by an evil fox thingy and was trying to kill everyone.

You weren't taking the break-up very well and to be honest Derek wasn't taking it that well either. You tried to get in your car only to find you didn't have your keys.

You turned around to face Derek. He had your keys in his hand and he was giving you an award winning smile. You bit your lip. Is it crazy that, that smile somehow managed to make your heart melt and make you even more mad at the same time.

"So are you just going to stand there biting your lip or are you going to start talking." He is being coy.

"What do you wanna talk about Der.." Your voice was dripping with sarcasm although anger was hiding in the shadows as well. "Maybe you wanna talk about how you broke up with me to 'keep me from getting hurt' and since then my brother who is possessed tried to kill me twice, oh and lets talk about how you breaking up with me ironically has been the hardest and most painful thing I have ever gone through ." You stopped to breath.

" Y/N I didn't m-"

"Shut up Hale I am just getting started." You interrupted walking closer to him. "You are so busy protecting everyone that you somehow managed to push away the only person that actually loves you. Derek I never wanted a hero, I wanted you . I want us to be extraordinary together instead of ordinary apart. I want you to stop pushing me away and start accepting the fact that you are stuck with me. I want you to be my person.I want you to pick me.. choose me.. love me."

You practically shouted the last part and a few stray tears made their way down your cheeks. Derek just stood there silently until a big smile formed on his face.

He stepped closer wiping the tears away. You sheepishly smiled at him. You hated this. You hated that a goofball like Derek meant so much to you. You hated the fact that he defined your happiness.

" Y/n I already chose you and I already love you.Every time you look at me I can't breathe. Y/n you are my sun and without you my life seems dark. You are the farthest thing from ordinary y/n y/l/n. I'm scared as hell to want you and yet here I am wanting you anyway. For the first time ever I have something to lose and that scares me. I can't lose you .. I love you.." you giggled.

" Well then why are you just standing there.." he smiled at you before smashing his lips to yours.

"Hey guys are you okay, you have been out here for a wh-" Scott stopped talking and chuckled making you blush.

"You know I am really glad that you two lovebirds made up but we still have to deal with the whole Void Stiles problem." Scott pointed out and went back inside. Derek walked to the door then turned to you.

"You coming ?" He asked extending his hand towards you.

"It's a beautiful day to safe lives, so lets have some fun.." You walked passed . He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist placing a kiss on the back of your head , before you both went inside.


All the italics are Greys Anatomy quotes.

xoxo.. *M

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now