Saving you

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 The pack comes first. For the last two years of my life that has been the mantra I had to keep in the back of my head. If life comes in the way the pack gets hurt and that isn't something Scott likes.

Little Scotti, hell I remember changing his diaper once and now I'm watching him lead a pack of teenagers into very dangerous situations. Although in the end that is where I met Derek.

It is also where I left Derek, in the middle of a war zone.

Funny how love makes you question everything. I mean it took me but a few months to contemplate not going to college and giving up on my dream. Which in hind site was an awful idea to even think of but I was hopped up on Derek Hale hormones and I wasn't thinking straight.

So after a lot of stern conversations I ended up in Cali. Derek went to Mexico which at the time sounded worse than it actually was. Scott became an alpha in the mean time, made a beta and he also met a girl. Kira, I hear she is amazing and sort of perfect for him.

Family dinner is every Saturday. Everyone is there. Scott puts aside his supernatural duties. Mom takes off from the hospital. Dad drives in every now and then just to say hi. That is still an adjustment but we know in some way he is trying. Scott obviously invited his new female friend for tonight.

Perfection in little bits of destruction. Meet the McCall family, I guess.


I place the phone down as it once again jumps to voicemail. Okay so back to Derek. He is still in Mexico roughing is up with all the pretty Mexican girls. I am here though. Sitting in my car in front of my old house, longing for his voice. Pathetic if you think about it but I preferred we didn't. 

Everyone is here already. Mom and Dad's cars are standing next to mine. Scott's bike is against a tree as two helmets lay fallen on the grass.  Something is different though, not about the house or the fallen helmets. Something just feels off. Like the calm before the storm.

"Kira no!" As Scott's voice breaks down from the house I hear glass shatter. Spoke too soon I guess.

I move fast as I run towards the house. The door is open and a line of mountain ash is scattered at the entrance. I slowly step over the broken glass into the house and freeze at the sight. Blood on the floor and blood on his shirt. Scott lays twisted on the carpet. Mom and dad are curled into a corner as he covers her face with his hands and her body with his.

A young girl with dark black hair walks forward. Her face is very beautifully formed, dark brown eyes with a daisy like skin tone. Her eyes are dazed though, like she doesn't even notice me.

At first.

Before my mind could present an outcome I'm falling. The blade is damn sharp as it gets pulled from my stomach. The blood soaks my hands and also the white shirt I bought for tonight. My body moves in slow motion. Slowly my legs crack beneath my falling weight. My arms grip tighter onto the surrounding flesh that isn't in pain. It is a horrible feeling, it isn't like a gunshot or an arrow. It's not quick and the pain doesn't simmer. Everytime I move one more inch, it feels like it's happening again. But then is goes numb. Not in the good way though. More like the picking out caskets type of numb.

My head hits the ground with a profoundly painful thump. It shoots and stings and burns and even more liquid spreads out of places it shouldn't be escaping from. The action of falling has pushed me out of the house which means that she can't reach me anymore. I hear two sounds before my eyes shut. Scott growling loudly and my name from his lips.

My Derek's lips.


It feels strange at first. Like I don't know how to control the movements but with his hands over mine and his body against mine it felt okay. The more he touched my skin or grasped for me I felt it, felt the pain slowly slip away.

"I hope this isn't payback." He lifts me up completely and then smiles. I carefully bring my hand up to wipe blood from my mouth.

"Whatever do you mean?" He pulls me closer and more black lines form on his arms. "Do you have something to feel guilty for." He looks at my stomach where the wound is slowly getting worse.

"Well yes. I leave you alone for a year and your fashion fades. That shade of red with those pants. Really?" He catches me when the air seems to thick to breathe in. He picks me up until I'm laying in his arms. "I missed saving you little Leila."

It was all kind of blurry after that.



𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now