Find her.

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Derek suddenly sits up on the couch. Awaken from his sleep by the girl in his dreams. The same girl with beautiful hair in a dark red dress blowing behind her as she runs through the woods. Tears flowing over her cheeks. Her face pale with fear. Her lips muttering one word every time 'help'..

Derek stands up from the couch and walks into the kitchen of his empty loft. But turns out it's not so empty. Lydia hovers over the pot on the stove. "Remind me to get a new lock." Derek mumbles taking the bottle of Bourbon from the top shelf and filling the little glass to the top.

"You haven't had proper meal in a while and Bourbon is not a good substitute." Lydia says pulling the pot off of the stove.

"Hmm." Derek walks out of the kitchen with his glass.

"Something bothering you ?" Lydia asks looking at the now empty bottle of Bourbon before following Derek to wherever he's going.

Derek plops down on the couch in the sitting room and looks up at Lydia. After Boyd's death Stiles and Lydia made it their duty to take care of Derek. He would never admit it but their support really helped him to stay strong. They are probably the two people who mean the most to him right now.

"You haven't told her yet?" Peter asks as he walks down the spiral staircase.

"Told me what?"Lydia folds her arms across her chest.

"Nothing." Derek shoots Peter a warning look.

"Peter what are you talking about." She turns away from Derek and looks at Peter who's now behind her.

"Derek has been having some bad dreams lately. I think the last time he slept was two weeks ago or was it one? Honestly it's hard to keep track." Peter takes the glass of Bourbon out of Derek's hands and then sits down next to him on the couch.

"Derek mind elaborating?"

"Nope I'm good.." 

"Derek Hale stop being an ass and just tell me whats going on.." Lyidia's voice sounds angry but in all honesty she is just worried.

"They're not bad dreams, it's more like one not so pleasant dream." Derek looks at Lydia and she keeps quiet for Derek to continue. "It's a dream about this beautiful girl running through the woods yelling for help."

Peter looks away from his glass and at Derek. "So this girl, she wouldn't happen to be wearing a red dress, gorgeous hair, crying with a scared expression on her face.." Peter asks. Derek looks at Peter confused.

"Uh yeah, how did you know?"

"Because those are not dreams Derek, they're memories and she's not just some girl."


"What are you doing ?" Derek asks as Peter rummages through the boxes in the basement. He's question is soon answered when Peter pulls out a journal with a dark brown leather cover. He looks at the journal and then hands it to Derek. Derek carefully pulls the string and the journal opens. A piece of paper falls out of the journal and onto the floor. Derek bends down and pics it up. It's not a piece of paper it's a photo. The girl from his dream wearing the exact same red dress she looks into the distance obviously not aware that her photo is being taken. Derek turns the photo around and two words are written at the bottom.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now