Beauty to his Beast- part 2

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"She is alive, her pulse is weak but it's there." Derek said to Stiles who was pacing up and down tears streaming down his face but he stopped as soon as he heard those words. Derek carefully picked you up carrying you to the ambulance placing you on the stretcher.

"Go with her and keep her save.." Stiles told Derek who was sitting in the ambulance holding your hand as Stiles, Malia, Kira and Scott got in the jeep, everybody else getting in their cars as well to follow the ambulance.


The paramedics rushed you into the hospital, on the way to the hospital your heart stopped three times. Your breathing was weak, your heartbeat was almost non-existent and with the amount of blood you have lost you should have been dead hours ago.

They knew they had to work fast. The first thing they did was put you on a machine that stabilized your heartbeat. They then started treating your wounds, the scratches were pretty deep and the longer they took to treat them the more blood you lost and so lowering the chances of your survival. They took you into the first available OR, gave you anesthetic and then started operating immediately.

Hours and hours passed and you were still in surgery Derek was a nervous wreck. Sure everyone was worried especially Stiles and your dad. But it was different for Derek. You were the first girl he loved since Paige. You were his everything and he would never forgive himself if something happened to you.


Five hours after you arrived at the hospital and two  long hours after your surgery ended.

You woke up in a strange room. The pain was shooting through your body. You groaned trying not to make the pain worse by moving, that's when you saw Derek asleep in the chair next to you. He was holding your arm and his head was resting on the bed.

You smiled before slowly putting your hand on his head and messing with his hair. He woke up and a huge smile appeared on his face when he saw you awake.

"Hey my beautiful girl." He says getting up and placing a soft kiss on your forehead. Tears of joy were streaming down your cheeks.

You didn't think you would ever hear his voice or see that smile ever again. Before you knew it everybody was in your room except for Derek. Stiles and your dad were standing at your bed each of them had a tight grip on your hand.

Everybody was talking and smiling, everybody was glad you're okay. Stiles made a sarcastic comment and everyone laughed but the room went silent when Derek stepped into the room.

"Okay everybody out. Now." Lydia demanded making everyone leave.

"Hey you.." you smiled at him as he made himself comfortable next to you on the bed, gently pulling you closer. You just laid there in his arms.  Derek was unusually quiet and you knew that something was bothering him." What's going on in that head of yours Der." You asked putting your thumb on his chin making him look at you.

"I almost lots you. In that ambulance every time your heart stopped I thought that I was going to lose you. I thought that I was never going to hear your laugh again. That I was never going to hold you in my arms ever again. I thought I was never going be able to tell you that I love you and see that sparkle in your eyes before you say it back." His voice is raspy as he fights with everything in him to not cry.

You slowly push yourself up ignoring the pain that moving caused and wiped a tear off of his cheek.

"Derek Hale, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone before. It is going to take more than a sociopathic blond with a hidden agenda to get rid of me." You placed both your hands on his face.

 "Y/N I love you. When I met you everything changed. You were like coming up for fresh air, I was drowning and you saved me." And he was so against watching all those seasons of Grey's Anatomy.

"Then take a deep breath because I am right here and I am never leaving."

You fell asleep in his arms. Derek was happy for the first time in a long time. And it was all because of you. This amazingly beautiful, intelligent and kind girl that somehow found a way to love a guy like him. You were his Beauty and he was your Beast..


xoxo..* M

* M

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