Okay tough guy

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You were a second year resident at Beacon Hills memorial hospital, sure it was a little weird since you were a year older then most of the first year interns but that didn't bother you. You graduated high school early, you also started medical school at the age of fifteen and started your internship at Beacon Hills memorial hospital age nineteen. Putting the age difference aside though, you loved being a surgeon.

You loved the rush you get when you walk into a operating room, it's like everything and everyone around you disappears and it's just you and your patient. You loved the to see the smiles on your patients faces when you give them good news. You loved being able to make a difference in someone's life. You loved helping people. That was probably why everyone loved you. You always put the needs of others before your own and that didn't only make you a good person but it also made you an incredible surgeon.


"And the Chester Award of 2016 goes to non other than y/n y/l/n.."  The sound of your name being called out was the most amazing thing you have ever heard. You did it. All your hard work and commitment finally paid off. You were officially the youngest female surgeon to win the Chester award. The only problem was that you had no one to celebrate it with.

Your parents both joined the army when you were ten and they died when you were 12, after they left you had to move to Beacon Hills to live with your older sister. Your sister past away a few years ago, she was diagnosed with a form of brain cancer that couldn't be treated. And all your friends were out protecting the world from supernatural creatures, while you were here celebrating the most important moment of you're career alone.

After giving your speech you got a call from your friend Scott, he has always been like a little brother to you. He sounded more worried than usual.

"Y/n I need your help. I don't know what to do y/n.. he is bleeding and he isn't healing. Y/n I am freaking out and I didn't know who else to call and he would probably kill me if he knew I called you but please just say you'll help me, please. " his voice was kind of shaky, to say he sounded scared would be an understatement. Whatever it was, he really needed your help.

You grabbed your small purse and started walking towards the exit you stopped in the lobby of the hotel before finally answering him." Okay Scott first of all you need to calm down and take a few deep breaths." You waited patiently as you could hear Scott slowly breathing on the other side of the phone. "Okay that is better, now tell me whats going on. What do want me to do? " You asked calmly even though you were far away from being calm.

"Y/n promise me you won't freak out?"he said carefully.

"Okay Scott I won't freak out, just tell me what the hell is going on? " You were a little frustrated at this point and even though you tried not to let Scott hear that it slipped out a little. " Y/n it's-. It's Derek."

He said his name very carefully awaiting your response. You froze. The sound of his name made your heart stop. Derek Hale. You haven't seen him since he broke up with you two years ago. You could still remember the pain in his emerald green eyes, the way he kissed you one last time before you left. He loved you with every bone and every muscle in his body and that is why he did it. To keep you safe. To make sure no one ever laid a hand on you. To make sure that no one harmed a hair on you head. To make sure his princess never had to be apart of this messed up world that came with being his girlfriend ever again. He hated himself for exposing you to that world in the first place and he hated himself for breaking your heart.

And you hated how after all these years your love for him only grew stronger..

Scott's voice echoed in your ear. After he said Derek's name you went completely silent. "Y/n come on say something, are you still there, are you going to help us, are you okay.." Scott rambled on trying to get you to answer him.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now