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For neonblue98 enjoy.. ❤

Fair warning that this will be a The Originals and Teen wolf crossover.


At a young age she started showing changes. Unable to control her powers her parents knew she needed help. Help came in the form of Ester Mikaelson being a powerful witch herself, she could offer the help the little girl needed so badly.

So by horse drawn carage the girl then known as Lily was sent to New Orleans.

Lily was strong. In power and in force.  No matter the lessons taught she could never learn to control the gift she possed . For how can you tame a wildfire, but in a time that every situation pointed to giving in Ester found a way to not only protect the girl, but the world.

Casting a powerful spell Ester doomed  Lily to a life she never wanted. A life of drawing her own energy to be able to use her powers and obtaining a horrible liquid to survive at all.

A hybrid, half witch and half vampire.

And so her story begins.

Now almost 1000 years later Lily has been fighting a battle that is not hers to be fought.  For a man who she only wishes to leave behind.

Marcel Gerrard. A vampire created by the son of the very witch who chose this life for Lily to begin with. Cruel and heartless with no sence of fear.

Marcel took Lily from a place of safety. He took her away from the man she loved. Using her to his advantage and using her power to conquer his demons.

Now known as The Sorceress her own name seems foreign to her.


She sat down on the spungy bed she had grown accustomed to while being confined to these four walls her whole life. Her soft yet broken hands gently move over the rough remains of what used to be a photo. She used to be happy. After the hell she had been through as a child Derek was like her lifeline. Her last breath before drowning. The first drop of rain in her drought of a life.

Beacon Hills had never been much different from all the other towns she had ran to. Small and unfamiliar. Unlike the rest there she found a reason to stay. But the town had it's demons as well and for the first time ever Lily had the chance to use her powers for good.

Here she sat preparing for one more fight with one more enemy that is not hers and as her bleeding soul starts aching she simply wishes for better.

Wishes to see him once more in her long lifetime before his ends. 

Wishes to be free.


Her feet seem to walk on their own pace while sliding across the steps leading to the room where Marcel waits for her.

His dark form stands hovering over the balcony and his hand grasp the edge of a bourbon glass. He spins around and smiles at the pale figure.

"Oh beautiful Sorceress please stop pouting. I have a surprise for you." He steps forward and places a hand on her shoulder. "We have a guest. "  Marcel moves past her and walks out of the room probably expecting her to follow.

He leads her down the halls of the empty house and finally stops at dungeon where Marcel tortured the men whom he needed information from. Unlocking the door her ears start picking up on the rhythmic crash of chains and concrete. And roars of whoever hides inside. In a scence of familiarity she seems connected to the scent flaring up her nose.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now