little lycan

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queenkatherine1  Hope you like it..


Angels pov.

Melissa holds onto my hands tightly as she helps me to stand up from the bed. Scott hold my shoulders steady as we walk into the bathroom. The air smells like shower gell and Guess perfume and the mirror at the top of the sink has little droplets of water dripping in lines. Melissa wipes the surface clean with a cloth and Scott helps me balance myself on the sink. For a second I can't help but feel digusted by the reflection of the girl inthe mirror.

Her face is pale and hidden behind strands of uncombed hair but when searching for her always sparking eyes I'm met with pools of confusion and puddles of blackness under her eyes. The girl who wore bright colors and effortless style is drowning in a sweatshirt to hide the amount of weight she has lost in the last 6 months.

Surely the man I loved would not recognize this person, for I can't even recognize myself .


"Angel." His voice. So soft, like a lulluby forcing one to sleep. The tears sting my cheeks as he stands lost at the foot of the stairs. "I promise you that  I don't want this." 

"Yet you stand there saying your  goodbyes with her by your side and expect me to not see what this is." My hands rest so softly on the material above my stomach. The only reason for him to stay and the only reason I would force him to go. "Do you love her." He clenches his teeth and she frantically looks at him.

"I could never love anyone other than my wife, anyone but you Angel." He steps forward to confront the stairs.

"I  used to believe you."


"You have to tell him. With everything that's happening lately. New humans are joining the army daily. He could be the key. He could help us" Melissa looks at me pleading and Scott does the same.

"Or he could die in the middle." 

"By the looks of things so could you." Stiles walks into the bathroom and Melissa steps back to leave. With help from Scott I turn to face him before Scott leaves as well.

His face sadens as he looks at the fragile state my body has turned into. He places his hand on my stomach and smiles. "Well Angel, is it a boy or a girl."


Screaming clouds my hearing as the pain shoots down from my stomach. The baby decided to come early which meant I had to try and stay strong as Derek's werewolf offspring ripps through my body. It hurts more than I can explain and no matter how many of my friends try, nothing can hold me down. This is only contractions, I don't know if I can do the rest.

"You should've called earlier." Stiles shouts while hovering over me and pushing all his strength into keeping me still.

"We were busy." Lydia replies as she too keeps me steady. "We didn't think she could get worse. After the weight loss started we couldn't get her to eat or sleep and soon after her bones started breaking. We didn't want you to see her like this."

Melissa wipes my head in a rhythmic motion to try and calm me down. "We didn't think she would make it up to here." She confesses and smiles down at me.

Besides for the pain I can feel it. The baby I mean. I can feel its heart beating slightly and every time it hurts I feel him shifting. Its a boy that much I know. Before everything started getting bad I found out. He is like his father, that much is true. He is strong and he fights.

The pain fades for a second and everyone seems relieved but I feel it. The calm before the storm. And I also feel the weakness of my own movements.

I always wanted a family, especially after Derek and I got married. I wanted a little house here in Beacon Hills and I wanted to be a mother. But then I found out what Derek was and soon before that I found out that I was pregnant. It all seemed a little surreal. Derek didn't know, for some reason he couldn't hear the heartbeat. But I never had the chance to tell him. I saw him with Breaden and days after that he mentioned that he was going to Mexico and that he wouldn't see me for a while and casually stated how it was great that there wasn't any one else in the picture.

This baby won't have a father and even though I fought so long it has become clear that humans aren't suppose to have werewolf babies.


The sun forces rays through the curtains and in the distance a little cry breaks the silence. My heart sinks as it grows louder and louder. My eyes feel to heavy  to open but I know there is someone in the room with me. A hand slides across my arm and as it stops I feel the pain leaving my body.

"Don't move Angel." Like a blanket I feel comfort after hearing his voice. I was so mad about everything that happened and I guess I still am. I'd never know what happened that day I saw them and I'd never know what happened in Mexico. But he is here with me, with our baby.

Humans are fighting against Supernaturals. My friends have seen me at my worst. I don't know how to be a mother. My head is full of fear and doubt and so many uncertainties.

But he is here.


Hi.. So Angel it's a little different from the request but I hope you liked it.. ♡

So these are taking a lot of time and I get it's frustrating and I can tell by the dms I am receiving that you guys are getting agitated  but I am honestly doing the best I can. I don't know when they'll be done and yes it takes a little time. I'm sorry but all I ask is a little patience. Thanks.


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